These are the amazing realizations I have had during my 5 hour shift this morning. They will be mostly random, due to the fact that I'm keeping this window open and posting it all when I'm done at 3.
Did you know you can buy a Bo Bice calendar for 2007 on for only 12.99?!? Here's what it looks like:

Amazing, I know.
Have you ever noticed that Gwyneth Paltrow is in Hook? She plays Wendy's daughter. Which reminds me that I saw the other day on VH1 that Misha Barton plays the creepy dead girl in The Sixth Sense who pukes because her mom poisoned her. Totally weird.
Monday should be an interesting day with the 5th anniversary of 9/11. Pretty much every news outlet is devoting at least the morning to it. Not really any comment from me, just more of an observation.
Why can I not bring myself to do my investment portfolio management homework right now? And why can I not motivate myself to get a bed?
Last night some people threw a birthday party for me, which I had a great time at. We played Pop 5, a gift from my parents, and Ben's game called Signs, both of which were thoroughly enjoyable. Additionally, Pete showed up with his girlfriend Alyson, who is town for the weekend and it was good to see her again.
I'll keep a running tally of the number of visitors I have to the store. So far, at 11:55, I am at 0.
The trailer for The Covenant makes this movie look like a good candidate for worst movie of the year. I sincerely hope I never have to watch it.
Here's a look at the next three Will Ferrell movies (thanks to imdb):
Stranger than Fiction (Nov 10)
Plot: An IRS auditor suddenly finds himself the subject of narration only he can hear: narration that begins to affect his entire life, from his work, to his love-interest, to his death.
Someone who saw a test-screening of the film said this:
It is a cult film with Will Farrell being at his absolute brilliance at what he does in a quirky but funny way. The film is a cross between Big Fish and The Truman Show with an amazing cast.
I think this has the potential to give Will Ferrell some actual acting cred, kind of what Melinda and Melinda was supposed to do. I'm pretty excited for this one, should be excellent.
Blades of Glory (Finished production today)
Plot: In 2002, two rival Olympic ice skaters were stripped of their gold medals and permanently banned from men's single competition. Presently, however, they've found a loophole that will allow them to qualify as a pairs team.
In case you hadn't heard yet, the rival skater will be played by Jon Heder. I'm not completely sure if this is going to work, but the mere idea of Ron Burgundy and Napoleon Dynamite doing pairs figure skating is crazy enough to be hilarious. Let's hope they don't mess it up.
Also, the imdb page for the movie lists Jenna Fisher of NBC's The Office on the cast. That bumps it up a notch for me already.
Step-Brothers (In Pre-production)
Plot: Two spoiled guys (Ferrell and Reilly) become competitive stepbrothers after their single parents get hitched.
OK, there's not enough information about this one yet to make any guesses. Pairing Ferrell and John C Reilly worked fairly well for Talladega Nights, we'll see if they can pull off the same chemistry in this one.
Hey, that was fun.
It is now 12:30. I have watched Hook, and have now moved on to Star Wars: A New Hope. Total people to walk through the door besides me: 0.
The new John Mayer album, Continuum, comes out this Tuesday, and Entertainment Weekly had some interesting criticisms in their review of it (they gave it an overall grade of B, I think). They said the album was "too perfect" and that it was too bad Mayer was "too classy" or something to that effect. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to learn from that type of criticism, other than that Continuum will be well-produced, well-played, and well-written. That's all I ever ask for. Those songs should make for a good live set on Oct 8th too!
At 12:52, after 2 hours and 53 minutes, my first customer walked in the door. She looked around for minute, asked if we had the new Ray Lamontagne album that we have posters up for (which we don't) and then left at 12:53. So much activity, I can hardly stand it.
I'm pretty pleased with the changes they made to the Facebook News Feed and Mini-feed. It's still a little annoying, but much better than before. I think they changed it enough that they're not going to do much more, it placated most people's problems with it.
Yesterday my little sister sent me my
birthday present: 
I love it.
Besides Continuum, I'm also looking forward to several new albums this fall:
1. Sam's Town - The Killers
2. James Taylor at Christmas - James Taylor
Hmm, maybe that list isn't as long as I imagined it would be. I'm sure I'll find some new stuff I want, plus I'll have a good chance to pick up some albums I otherwise wouldn't have, like Gnarls Barkley's St. Elsewhere. Christmas music is just around the corner, and I can't wait.
I wonder if anyone is still reading at this point, or if I've simply rambled for so long that I've driven everyone away.
Wow, I now have three people in here at once! I can hardly believe it. They came in at 1:19, and have been in here for 5 whole minutes. I feel so loved.
Star Wars is great background noise, I've decided.
The group left at 1:30, after feasting on the free stickers and posters and purchasing nothing.
I just won 8 games of Free Cell in a row. Gotta love minor accomplishments.
My goodness, the people are coming in droves all of a sudden. I now have two people in the store, bringing my grand total to 6 for the morning. And now they just left, so my sales remain at $0.00.
Have I mentioned yet that I started a fantasy football league on Well I did. It's really addicting, none of my players have stepped on the field yet, and I could spend an hour just looking through profiles and opposing teams. This week, my matchup is against the Dover Hooded Seals, who already have 18 points from the Miami/Pittsburgh game. My plan for vicotry includes my QB, Donovan McNabb, doing better form y Djibouti Miners than Daunte Culpepper did for the Seals. I think that can happen
Less than an hour to go, and still no sales. Star Wars is almost over, and there's not enough time to watch The Last Crusade, so I'll probably be switching to season 4 of Friends in a few minutes.
Is this as boring to read as it is to write? I hope not. Otherwise I will have wasted quite a bit of your valuable time.
One of the managers of the store just stopped in to see how things were going. In an effort to inflate my numbers, I'm adding him to my tally.
Random quotes from
Mother: So, if you could be any animal, which do you think would represent you the best? I think a horse fits you.
Daughter: What? A horse? No. I want to be a unicorn.
Mother: You're mentally ill.
Guy: You know, I never noticed she had an accent before.
Girl: Yeah, she's German.
Guy: Oh...I always thought she was slow.
And, from
Engineer #1: If you flush the toilet, you lose water pressure?! So it's like, "Sorry, the dishwasher is running. We have no fire protection."
Engineer #2: Who flushes the toilet if their house is on fire?
17 minutes left. I've moved on to the season 4 Thanksgiving episode of Friends, the one with Chandler in the box. Next up to finish off the shift will be the one with the embryos, where they have the contest to see who knows the most about each other.
I found one of the potentially coolest sites ever this week. It's, a site where college students can get connected with others from their university to buy and sell used textbooks and save on shipping. Such a great idea, I might e-mail the webmaster and see if they have anything I can use to promote it on campus. Seriously, I spend an hour passing out fliers and putting up posters and save a ton on books! The service charges 8% of sale price, which isn't too bad.
OK, time is up. I had 7 people on my shift, no sales. Wow, what a waste.