Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another one bites the dust

One week of finals. That's all I have to get through.

My last day of classes was about as thrilling as the first. I started out with our final group presentation in management communications, which went as well as I could have hoped. My group was extremely good at making crap up on the fly. I also had one of the guest critics say that one of my ideas was brilliant, which felt really good, not gonna lie.

I also received my favorite news of the week today: the due date for my investments paper got switched from Friday to Monday, changing it's status from nearly impossible to extremely doable. I've got the first section basically done, and I think the rest of the paper will be much easier.

Tomorrow I get to have free lunch with the Showdown crew as a thank-you for my semester. I'll be going down to Gotee on Friday to meet with Sara and get next semester set up.

I have no motivation. None at all. I'm ready for something fun.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I taught my roommate how to play nerts last night. It was something fun.

When dost thou return from Christmas break?yell