Saturday, December 30, 2006


That is the definition of my next 12 days. I have quite literally close to nothing I need to do. We're staying in Nashville for New Years, so no road trips. The only thing I have scheduled is interning at Showdown on Monday the 8th. Glory.

My trip back to Nashville was uneventful. I got a coat rack, a shoe rack, and some pots at Ikea as I left the Cities. I stopped in Arcola, IL, for the night, and arrived back here a little after noon yesterday, after dealing with stupid Music City Bowl traffic from Kentucky.

Last night I made lasagna, which turned out really well. It's amazing how little technical work has to go in to making that; just kind of mix and layer and it comes together. We saw "The Good Shepherd" with Matt Damon last night too. I thought it was decent enough, extremely long, and I'm pretty sure if I was watching it on DVD at home I would have maybe fallen asleep at times. Good acting, maybe a bit too serious. They really covered a lot of material, some of which I thought was kind of obvious and unnecessary. There was really so much there it's hard to process whether it was good or not. And I think that fact should indicate to me that it wasn't great. For a movie to be great, it should contain enough information to be able to be processed in at most two viewings, and I highly doubt that I could do that with this one. It's not that I didn't understand what happened or the main ideas of the movie, those were simple enough. I think they just tried to have about a dozen too many themes going at once, and it came across as too thick and a bit too self-aware. But that's just me, Jon absolutely loved it. So maybe it's for you, you never know.

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