Friday, June 30, 2006

But you don't want to know, you take much more than I'd ever ask for

Things that I'm happy about:

1. My sister being home from Arizona for a week.
2. Having the 4th off.
3. The new Keane album.
4. That Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties has made less than $20 million domestically so far, meaning there's a decent chance they won't make a third. (Side note: How on Earth did they get Bill Murray to do the voice for that movie again? Even Jennifer Love Hewitt was smart enough to stay away from this one.)

When at work, we usually listen to Oldies radio because the songs are almost always good and they don't repeat during the day (although they play the same songs day after day, so that gets a bit annoying). Anyway, there are a few commercials on there that stand out to me whenever I hear them:

A. The first is for the town of Pine River, about 30 minutes of Brainerd with like 500 people. The slogan is, "Pine River: Still a real town!" And they say it all excited and crap. I'm glad they remind me that they're real though, because most of the time I just think Pine River's a myth, some Lake Wobegon of central Minnesota. Er something.

B. Stellas is a local website where some chick named Stella recommends everything from dates to bras to houses. It's quite ridiculous for several reasons:
1. No one in northern Minnesota is named Stella. A good Scandinavian just wouldn't do such a thing.
2. The woman basically gets her money from the site by advertising stores in the area to unsuspecting women. And I was just the 11,977th visitor to the site, so thats quite a few of them.
3. Stella does her own radio ads, and she has the thickest Minnesota accent I've heard in a while. She says "The search is oh-ver", and I laugh every time.
4. They have this other ad that parodies "We didn't start the Fire", and is possibly the worst case of trying too hard I've heard in radio. Straight up.

C. The stupid people at Mentadent have a campaign going right now that centers around the question "Are you a teeth people?" I cringe every time I hear this ad, because it makes no sense: they could've said "Are you a teeth person?" and I understand. Maybe even address to a larger audience and ask "are you teeth people?" But no, they did some lame hybrid of the two and came up with "Are you a teeth people?". Real lame guys.

With that, I'm off to bed, as I have work and a wedding tomorrow. Loads of fun had by all.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Get that corn out of my face!

I'm tired. The last two days have both been 11 hours of work starting at 6:30. Tomorrow starts at 8ish, though, so I'll hopefully be able to rest up a bit tonight.

So I saw Nacho Libre this weekend, and I think I need to see it again before I make a final judgement. It was a lot like Napoleon Dynamite in that it was really odd to watch it, but talking about it afterward we were laughing at all the random things that happened. Best line?

The other brothers don't think I know a buttload of crap about the Gospels... but I do.

I've now seen the following movies on my summer list:
X Men United
Prarie Home Companion
The da Vinci Code
Mission Impossible III
Nacho Libre

Not bad so far, this weekend looks to be The Breakup, then I'm getting more excited for Superman Returns with each promo I see for it, so I'll be hitting that opening weekend most likely.

I added The Jerk, Waterworld, and The Phantom to my DVD collection today. The first because it's funny, the second because it's funny if you go into it with the mindset that it is, and the third because a. Billy Zane is ridiculously cool b. I loved this movie when I was a kid c. it was only $5.50.

While looking for the Gotee Records tribute album to DC Talk's Jesus Freak (which I didn't find), I picked up the new Keane album. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but it has a lot of potential. I think it will be a good car disc.

I'm gonna get back to watching the NBA Finals, which have really been a great capstone on the whole playoffs this season. Game 5 in Miami was just plain sick, and at this point I don't think I care who wins. It's all good.

Monday, June 12, 2006

I've tried and tried to forget you girl, but it's just so hard to do...

So, final total on work hours last week: 70. Seriously, over a 6 day period I spent almost as much time working as I did everythnig else combined, including sleeping. Some of the most exhausted I've ever been in my life. But I survived to work another day, and this week should be a bit lighter, more in the 50 hour range, and Saturday off.

I decided to spend a bit of the cash I made last week at Best Buy tonight. I complained I needed some new music, so I bought some old music: The Mamas and the Papas Gold Collection. And I picked up one of the movies that I promised myself to buy this summer: That Thing You Do. Such a great movie, I love it. Next up on that list I think is Babe. Unfortunately I've only found it packaged with Babe: Pig in the City, which I have no deisre to see, let alone own, but may be good for a laugh or two based on just how dumb it is. For some reason I don't see that happening though.

I need to find something to do.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A day like any other

One thing about work that I like but don't is the whole dichotomy of it all. I don't necessarily want to work, but I need money so I work. And when I work, I am happy because I have money, but sad that I have to spend all day everyday working. When I don't work, I'm happy because I can do whatever I want, but I have no money, so that list is rather limited.

This week is one of the former weeks. It is Tuesday, and I have put in 22 1/2 hours so far. Each of the next four days should be at least 10 hours each. Great for the bank account, not great for the social life. Oh well, what can you do?

My parents and I are now close to 2/3 done with season 1 of Lost, and it's getting pretty intense/weird, but in a good way. Can't wait to finish it up and hopefully watch season 2 with Ashley and Jackie this summer so I can watch season 3 as it happens in the fall.

I am in the mood for a good new CD. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

My DVD binge has continued this week, with the purchase of Oceans 12 and the 7th season of Friends. Good Night and Good Luck is looking really tempting at Target this week for $10, as are the $5 movies at Best Buy. This is why I work; so I can buy movies. Splendid.