Sunday, December 14, 2008

Addressing the elephant in my awesome new room(s)

All right, the moment you've all been waiting for: pictures of my finished house! I'll start on the outside and work my way in:

100_0834 by you.
This matters only to my dad, but that is a finished roof line right there. Well, once I get the gutters up there it will be, but that's for another tomorrow.

100_0835 by you.

100_0833 by you.
The place where the second lean-to used to be aka my new parking spot.

100_0832 by you.
The re-done front railing, which took a lot longer than I thought it would...

Now we'll move inside to the bathrooms:
100_0838 by you.
It's like doing laundry in a carrot (art courtesy sister Sarah)

100_0839 by you.
More Sarah art, this time in my bathroom

100_0842 by you.
A grouted and fully-functioning shower

100_0841 by you.
The completed vanity. Not gonna lie, I'm proud of how awesome this looks!

And now the main event: the family and living rooms.

100_0830 by you.
Christmas lights

100_0831 by you.

100_0829 by you.
100_0827 by you.

100_0826 by you.
More Sarah art

100_0825 by you.
I built these myself

100_0824 by you.
Pretty cool, huh? I'm really pleased with how it all turned out!

Coincidentally, everything was so clean because I hosted a church Christmas party last night. It went suuuuper well, and the house held up very well! It was also the reason for making these (from scratch):

100_0846 by you.

100_0844 by you.
Merry Christmas! I promise, with this giant cloud gone from over my head, I will be much better at keeping up with this thing. Promise. Really...