Monday, June 27, 2005

Where art thou dog?

A few unfortunate notes on movies:
1. Went to Bewitched tonight, and the best thing I can say about it is that it's not the worst movie I've ever seen (Anybody else see Down With Love? No? Good for you.) It had its moments, but it also had one of the most lame falling in love scenes in cinematic history. Seriously.
2. While at Movies 10, I thought I'd make sure that there is a midnight showing of War of the Worlds. So I asked. And nope, there is no midnight show. So I'm forced to see it at a normal time. Dang you Mann Theatres and your stupid British spelling!
3. I'm changing the time for Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D to the 2:35 showing. Jackie is joining me, and anyone else who so desires is more than welcome.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Keepin' it real in the 218

Update, update, update...

Well, it was another banner week for work. I figured out I made more money in the last two weeks than I did all last summer at camp. Too bad all of this goes towards a car and tuition. And a digital camera too.

Now, though, I have the week basically off! It's gonna be so nice to sleep in. I'll have to work a few hours on 2 days, but otherwise I can do what I please. As a part of this new-found (and short-lived) freedom, I've decided to declare the upcoming week a Personal Roots Week. What does this mean, you ask? Well, basically I'm gonna do my best to only listen to music and watch movies that came out before the year 2000. Should be a blast.

The only exception I'm making for this is theatrical releases. And I'm planning on seeing the following films: Bewitched, War of the Worlds, maybe Batman Begins again (which was AMAZING the first time) and... The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D. Yes, that's right, it's only showing at matinee times now, so this is my last chance, and it's been out long enough that it's probably going to pretty empty in the theater. So I'm planning on seeing it on Tuesday at like 12:30 or whatever's closest to that. If anyone else wants to join me, it should be a good time of making fun of a crappy movie in 3-D. And if that doesn't sound like a good time, I don't want to know what does.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Two things of note occurred yesterday:

1. My dad ran over my foot with a fork lift. It kinda hurt, but it's feeling surprisingly well today. So, either it's a miracle, or I have an unknown nerve disorder that will kill me in an indeterminate amount of time. Hopefully it's the former.

2. I saw Batman Begins with Hannah and Kayla, and it was pretty dang sweet. Much better than I imagined it being. At the end, they set it up for a sequel where Batman takes on the Joker, and rumor has it that Mark Hamill is on the top of the list. Yes, Luke Skywalker. I really hope he makes a comeback, he has such thespian talent. Seriously though, by far the best Batman movie, and I loved the casting of Michael Caine as Alfred. Stroke of genius.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Workin on the chain gang

I worked over 50 hours this week. Dang. Same next week too.

Um, well, I haven't done much since the last time I posted.

I can't stand those signs on the highway that say "Speed patrolled by aircraft". Let's think about this for a second: Have you ever seen a plane going over while driving in one of those areas? I haven't. Does the government really think we're that gullible to believe something so outrageous? But, for a moment, let's assume that the signs are accurate. There are a few logical reasons why they would do this:
1. Because it saves time for the patrolmen.
2. Because it saves money.
3. Because it catches more offenders.

The first one, I have no idea if it would, but that's not a valid reason to do this. The second one, can't be accurate. You not only have to pay the pilot and copilot, just like a driver in a normal car, but I'm pretty sure jet fuel costs a crapload more than regular gas. And the third, seriously, maybe it will catch a few more people, but not enough to make up for the extra cost for the fuel.

Now, let's say that they actually catch someone speeding; how do they pull them over? Do they yell from a megaphone for them to pull over while they complete their descent? Makes no sense at all.

I kind of want to get Newsradio on DVD.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I know I released a dove today

Things I did this weekend:

A. Got a free bread machine at a garage sale that's supposed to work, so I'll have to try that out before I bring it back to school with me.

B. Watched Life Aquatic at Aana's, and it was pretty quirky, but still good.

C. Watched Amelie at Nikki's, and it was much better than I expected, and still very Euro at the same time.

D. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night with Hannah and Maya, which was very entertaining. Would have been even more so if the incompetent freaks in front of us weren't throwing popcorn at each other and if some people realized that not everything Vince Vaghaun says is hilarious. These also led to the group conclusion that movie theaters should institute breathalizers for movies after 9 PM. Good for everyone involved.

E. Went to Parker and Chris Woodard's open houses, which were the first Brainerd ones of the season for me, and both had good food, which was a huge plus since my mother was gone and I was too lazy to make myself some lunch on Sunday.

F. I'm going to abandon the letters now, because my weekend is over.

BUT, today was filled with the joys of work, as well the long-awaited resolution of the Michael Jackson trial. Pretty sure I can't believe he wasn't found guilty of SOMETHING. But, had he been found guilty of anything, I think the following would have taken place:

1. Jury announces guilty verdict.
2. Jackson pretends to collapse in the courtroom and is subsequently rushed to the hospital.
3. Jackson's body is replaced with the body of the real Michael that was abducted circa 1993 and has had post-mortem plastic surgery to look like the imposter.
4. The pedophilial Jackson flees the country on a boat and heads for Africa, where he tries to blend in while everyone else in the world mourns the loss of such a great artist.
5. Pseudo-Jackson's attempts to blend in in Africa come up empty as he is not black, and did not choose to live in South Africa.
6. The U. S. extradicts the freak to America and charges him with kidnapping, murder, identity theft, and numerous other charges, of which he is found guilty.
7. Rinse and repeat.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

We should all be so journalistically blessed

"(Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) is, simply put, the greatest movie ever made about magic jeans."

Oh John Hansen, I'm born anew in your incredible depth of intellect and understanding. You are, simply put, the greatest entertainment editor the Dispatch has had for the last three years.

New clip from Switchfoot's new album on their website.
I like it a lot.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Good things

1. New Coldplay album came out yesterday, and it's basically amazing. I've listened through it approx 3 times so far, and it's quickly growing on me. Favorite songs so far are "Fix You" "Talk" "Swallowed in the Sea" and the untitled last track.

2. Done with work for the week! I worked 8 hours Monday and 10 hours each yesterday and today, and I'm beat. But I'll take a four day weekend any time.

3. I'm debating whether or not to buy the new MxPx CD. I absolutely loved their last one, but I have a feeling this one is different. I'll have to see if they've got it streaming on their website so I can get a taste. I also need to do this with Common, because he's been getting a lot of great reviews, and I could use some good hip-hop about now.

4. With my 4 day weekend, I really want to go golfing, since I haven't been in close to 2 years, and I love doing it when I have the chance. If anyone wants to go with me, let me know, especially if you work at a resort and want to be nice (I would use one of those stupid punctuation faces here, but that would be hypocritical, since I've taken a hardline stance opposing their use outside of instant messengers).

5. Mission Impossible III is finally greenlighted for production! For those who don't know, I am a huge fan of the TV show and the first movie is one of my top 5 favorites, but the second one sucked hard, mainly because I think it became too much like a Bond movie instead of a MI movie. Here's to hoping that J. J. Abrams can revive this franchise and try to keep the missions as team-oriented as possible. Seriously, if they actually stopped to think about it, they could keep this series going for forever if they just kept it with teams. Any time someone doesn't want to come back in the next film, have their character killed off and replaced. It's that simple. That way, MI can remain as realistic as possible, and continue to evolve after Tom Cruise becomes too old for it. Or until he decides that he's too in love with Katie Holmes to do movies any more. Whichever comes first.

6. Mr. and Mrs. Smith this weekend with Hannah and whoever else wants to come. And we're totally gonna see it in Jenkins. That's just the way it has to be.

7. They're officially in pre-production on a Simpson's movie.

8. I've done 3 1000 piece puzzles in the last week. That's how bored I've been. I wish people would want to do stuff (besides Ashley, who always wants to do stuff but never has any ideas and doesn't like ideas that cost money)

9. The family computer is finally fixed, which means that I have access to MSN messenger, which I'll use along with AIM.

10. Here is a group picture from my last night in Nashville, so you all can see most of my freinds (except my roommate, who I don't have any pictures of, and sometimes wonder if I just created like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind or something (and yes, it will frick up the margins, but I can live with that))

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Tag, you're it.

I've found a new pet peeve: Padded toilet seats. Sure, they give you a bit of comfort, but what you gain in comfort you lose in function.

And I just decided that peeve is a gross word.

Let's see, yesterday was the Lykins wedding, and it was decent enough, could have been kind of boring, but I was able to sit next to Jackie, and that saved my butt.

Today was my cousin's grad party in North Branch MN, which is over by the WI border. Went pretty well, had a good time. I like hanging out with the graduate and her family, so that was fun.

Work, work, work, work, rest, rest, rest. That's my next week in a nutshell.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Stupid animators.

Just got back from Madagascar, and I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed. I was looking for another Shrek, and got something along the lines of Shark Tale without all of the annoying hiphop/ghetto references (if you overlook Chris Rock's incessant "Off the chiz-ain"'s). And don't get me started on quite possibly the most painful attempt at "Happy Birthday" in recent memory. It had all of the elements needed to be funny (they shoud've used the monkeys more), and yet they (gasp!) made a kids movie that's actually for kids. Stupid animators,

Work this week's been pretty busy, and tomorrow and Saturday won't be any better.

Saturday is Katie Lykins' wedding to Chino, which should be a good time (maybe, if I decide it will be for me). Then, Sunday is my cousin Jess' grad party in North Branch, MN. This is on my mom's side of the family, and my whole family gets along really well her brother Dave and his family, of which Jess is his daughter. All in all, should be a good time, but it leaves me without much of a weekend. My work week has become 6 days most of the time now, which is all well and good as far as money goes, but I'm gonna get tired pretty soon. I don't know how my dad does it all of the time.

I've spent the last 20 minutes first trying to create a crossword puzzle for here, then a wordfind, and I can't get either of them to work. Frick it all.