Thursday, March 31, 2005

Twist, twist, twist.

(That's the knife I was just stabbed with.)
So I was doing my regular check for blog updates when I came to GossipWhore. And found nothing. At all. I am a little piassed right now. Maybe I should just abandon all hope and stop blogging now too! Wouldn't that be funny?


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Posse (at least some of it)

I realize that none of you know who I hang out with down here, so here's a pic of a bunch of them (Front-Back): John, Tim, Matt, Ryan, Baker, person I don't hang out with, Pete (not roommate Pete, other Pete), and other guy I don't hang out with. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Nashville v. Brainerd

I've found several differences between the south and north, and I've tried to find things that aren't obvious (like pop and soda).

In MN, people use butter to cook things, and there's always butter for bread.
In TN, they cook in lard and eat their bread plain (I have to go out of my way to eat rolls the GOOD way)

In MN, people have a purpose for going somewhere, and they walk like it.
In TN, people have a purpose for going somewhere, and they take their sweet time getting there.

In MN, people use the center turn lane to turn.
In TN, people use the center turn lane to pass everyone.

In MN, people use Blogger (or at least used to) and MSN.
In TN, people use Xanga and AOL.

If I think of some more, I'll let you know, but that's the preliminary list.

Haley and Maria - I'll be sure and let you know if I take any leaps into the pool of love, but it looks pretty foggy right now. (That may be the cheesiest metaphor I've ever used)

Saturday, March 26, 2005

How many things are wrong with this picture?

This is real. And sick. Real sick. And wrong. Oh so wrong. Posted by Hello

It's raining

I like rain. It's supposed to storm for the next 30 hours or so down here, and I'm totally cool with that.


An inventory of my weekend (since Thursday):

Average wake time: 10:00

Movies watched: Motorcycle Diaries, Finding Neverland, The Incredibles, Count of Monte Cristo, Dr. Strangelove, Shaun of the Dead.

Blog posts (including this one): 7

NCAA Tournament games watched: 6

Other activities: Hang out at the Parthenon (have I ever mentioned that Nashville has an actual full-scale replica of the Parthenon? It's crazy), toss Frisbee, attend Nashville Kats arena football game (bored out of mind, left at halftime), began Grisham's "The Broker"

Average bed time: 2:30 ish

Homework done: 0


I've decided that money is annoying.


With Illinois' amazing victory today, I have officially beat my roommate. Both of us sucked it up pretty hard, but I'll take any victory I can get, even if it was ugly.


After my firm decision last week that it would be stupid to start dating someone at this point in the year, I now think it might be kinda fun. It porbably still won't happen, but I'm leaving my options open.


I'm done now.

Friday, March 25, 2005

A Good Friday Reflection

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown

Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find
That I may truly live

Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
All who gather here
By grace draw near
And bless your name

Were the whole relem of nature mine
That were and off'ring far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all

Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find
That I may truly live

Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
All who gather here
By grace draw near
And bless your name

A John Deere Letter

Dear everyone this applies to (you know who you are),

I would like to speak to you regarding the payment of your college tuition. I realize that your parents have decided to pay your way, along with making generous contributions to your social-life fund. And you know what, I'm not entirely bitter about this (just a little bit). However, PLEASE remember one thing: you are so insanely blessed you have no idea. Don't go through school not trying just because your parents are footing the bill.

I'm not sure exactly how many people this applies to, but I've had a couple of conversations with people who it seems fit this criteria. These people are by no means slacking through school, so if they read this, I'm not criticizing them.

I have so much respect for people who pay their own way through school. I think they have a much better appreciation for their education, and work harder to make sure they're getting their money's worth.

All of this to say: if you pay your own way, don't get discouraged; if your on a free ride, don't treat it like one.

That's my ranting for the day.


An end to Aana's problems

I was recently alerted to the the existence of a web site that will help Aana pick a band name:

Post the best result you get when you visit. Mine? Playhouse Super-lactating September.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Target, thou hast failed me

My quest to purchase Finding Neverland today was markedly unsuccessful. I first looked at Tower Records, and they had it, but for an outlandish $20, so I left that establishment with just my new Jars album, which is magnificent. I then traveled to Target, assuming that they would have plenty on hand and at a reasonable price. When I arrived, only half of that was correct. The price? 16.99. The number of copies? 0. I counted NINE empty spaces where it should have been, but, to my chagrine, it was not meant to be. So tomorrow I must now ventrue into Cool Springs (15 minutes away) to purchase this most glorious film. But it will be worth the wait, of that I am sure. In the meantime, I will be watching "The Motorcycle Diaries" tonight, which I have heard is an amazing film as well. Let's hope so.

On a note only related to the previous in that I was informed of this on my way to Target, Ben Folds lives like a block away from my dorm. Consequently, I will be looking for a female friend of mine down here who is willing to take in some boarders for a while as I'm sure several college girls in the Midwest have already begun packing to come and visit "me".

Pre-Break Update

Maya and Jackie will appreciate this:
So I got an e-mail today from my First Year Seminar teacher from last semester. Apparently she submitted a paper I did for the class on the conflict in Chechnya to a faculty board for the Belmont Undergrad Research Symposium, and mine was one of 3 or 4 selected to be read at the symposium.

This is the same teacher who gave me a C- on my first paper in the class and basically said she didn't like my style of writing. Sooooooo confusing.

But yeah, that's my news for the day. I have one class tonight, Business Law from 6:30 to 9:15, and then freedom until Tuesday! I'm kind of excited about this. My roommate left for home today, so I have the room to myself until Sunday night. I'll more than likely spend a good portion of this break either on my computer or watching movies in the lobby, which some of us have decided to do as often as possible over break. One of these films will be Finding Neverland, which I'm going to buy once my shift is done at 4 today.

Oh, also, I've now resolved myself to entering the housing lottery as a loner. I think my problem was that I made friends with people too late in the year, and that I befriended people who already had their plans figured out. But there's nothing I can do to change that now, so I'll take the hand that I'm dealt with and go with the flow. If I was more motivated, I would continue with as many cliches as I could think of there, but I'm not in the mood for annoyance right now.

Thats it, I'm out.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Matt Capelle is my hero

Thank you, oh wonder of the dance floor, for saving my MSN. And I guess I should thank John too, since he told Matt what to do. I am temporarily grateful.


I just got some stupid virus from MSN Messenger. Frick. Now it won't work. Frick frick frick. I'm pissed.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

An outline of my thoughts

I. I have decided the following:

A. The following bands need to release new material ASAP:
1. Coldplay
2. Nickel Creek
3. Lauryn Hill

B. There is no point in me trying to start any relationship right now because:
1. There are approx. 50 days until I am done for the year
2. If I did start a relationship, it would quickly become a long distance one for several months
3. There aren't really any prospects right now (not that I'm not looking)
4. I don't have enough money to have a girlfriend, and dating without funding would take too much effort

C. I like spring. It may be in the top 5 greatest seasons.

D. The NCAA Tournament is the single greatest sporting event of the year. I think it might even be better than the Olympics.

E. "The Incredibles" is a great movie. I watched it twice yesterday at work on the video wall.

F. There are too many good things coming out that I want to purchase. Not only have I already purchased the aforementioned "Incredibles", I also wish to purchase:
1. "Finding Neverland" (2 copies) - If you have yet to see this movie, it's coming out on DVD on Tuesday, so you no longer have an excuse for not seeing it.
2. "Redemption Songs" - Jars of Clay - releases on Tuesday as well, should be amazing ( and I realize that Jackie will probably make some sort of pretentious quip about me liking Jars, but I could care less)
3. "Lifehouse" - Lifehouse - Not on the top of the list, but more or less to see if they've regained any of their former glory. Stanley Climbfall was decent, but not near the quality of No Name Face.

G. I'm in Limbo concerning housing for next year. There's a group of three guys who need a fourth that I would love to room with, but they've got another guy who is a tentative yes for now, and will give them a definitive answer on Monday. They said they think he'll fall through, so that would be great. If he doesn't, I'll just have to take my chances.

H. I enjoy receiving random mail. All I ever get anymore is Entertainment Weekly and Rolling Stone (purchased on a whim and one of the worst decisions ever made. It's basically liberal propaganda disguised as entertainment. Pure crap.), so thanks to Hannah for the clippings. Thoroughly enjoyed. I'm sure it confused my roommate, but that doesn't matter.

I. Wait, no, there's no "I" in these outlines.

J. I had one of the greatest beverage experiences of the past year last night when I had a can of cold Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I realize this combination sounds weird, but it's amazing. And the regular is better than Diet, so go with that if you're going to judge it.

K. This may turn out to be the longest post I have ever made.

L. The following movies better be as good in real life as they are in my head right now:
1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - December 9
2. War of the Worlds - June something
3. Revenge of the Sith - May 19
4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - July 15

M. Movies that I hope are better in real life than they are in my head right now:
1. King Kong - December
2. Bewitched - July

N. Movies that I hope I never have to be subjected to, either in my head or real life:
1. Guess Who - Remaking an Oscar-winner with Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac. Smooth.
2. Ice Princess
3. Sandlot 2

O. Movies that could be really good or really bad:
1. Batman Begins
2. Kicking and Screaming
3. Pink Panther
4. Sin City

P. If you're ever around someone that is annoying you, just say "LMNOP!" and they'll get really confused. To you though, you just told them to "Leave me now or perish", and you can justify causing some physical harm to them, because you warned them.

Q. I'm not sure what I should do this summer. I'm pretty sure that I'll end up working for my dad, and that I'd make plenty of money that way, but I still kind of want to go back to camp this summer. Eh, so confusing, and coming up so fast. What to do?

R. I should do my homework more often. But that's not happening as of now.

S. Utah, Arizona, Illinois, and UConn need to win today and tomorrow for me to have any shot at beating my roommate in our bracket challenge.

T. Gonzaga may be the most disappointing team in the Tournament over the last several years. Them and Kansas. I'm never picking it to be "their year" again.

U. may be the most ingenious scam ever created by man. I bet the guy doesn't even have a rabbit. And even if he does, I know for sure it's not worth 50 grand unless it craps out gold.

V. Shane needs to come back to OTPB, because I'm not sure I like the Doug Funny guy if Boos picks him. Or is it a her? Either way, please come back Shane.

W. Last night I watched Jerry Seinfeld Live on Broadway from like 1998, and I realized that:
1. I recognized over half of his stuff from episodes of Seinfeld.
2. It was all still really funny.
3. They should bring that show back.

X. Whoever thought of making a TV movie called "Spring Break Shark Attack" needs to be shot.

Y. I would like to know if anyone has any new "Razisms", or "LaShombisms", cause I want to laugh at them.

Z. I need to watch The Best of Will Ferrell again, and I need to watch it with people down here to introduce them to the insane comedic genius of that man. And Chris Farley. And maybe I need to watch Ferrell Vol 2 again sometime, but the first two times I watched it, it wasn't very funny.

AA. That's all for today. If you made it this far, congrats and thanks. Peace out.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Something clever out of Pequot?

This may be - seriously, no joke - the best editorial I've ever read in the Dispatch. For those of you who don't know the background behind the story, State Sen. Paul Koering had an attempted robbery at his liquor shop about a month ago, and he scared the perpetrators away with a bat he had behind the counter. The suspects were described as "two black males, about 6 feet tall, light skinned, wearing hooded sweatshirts and scarves". He stated, of incidents like this, that "As Brainerd continues to grow these are some of the things that come with growth... It's sad."This statement apparently angered the Crow Wing County Human Rights Commission, which issued a statement saying that his comments "leave an implied idea that welcoming diversity will result in more crime and conflict", which they said was not true. Additional comments by the public were made in the Open Forum section, most of whom criticized his description of the perps as black.

Well, earlier this week, the store had another attempted robbery, and the clerk scared away the man using the same club. This time, the suspect was described as a "heavy set white male about 35." Surprisingly, there was no outcry against the description of the suspect in this case. Today, the following letter was printed in the Dispatch:

"On behalf of heavyset white males

So where is the Crow Wing County Human Rights Commission when we need them? A Brainerd Police Department spokesperson was quoted in a recent Dispatch story describing the perpetrator of an attempted robbery as a "heavyset white male about 35." As a heavyset white male about 35, I resent the callous disregard for my feelings and the feelings of that poor robbery suspect. I think that all employees of the Brainerd Dispatch and the Brainerd Police Department should be sent to sensitivity training and that the alleged perp and I should be handsomely compensated for our traumatic emotional distress.

I'm sure law enforcement officials sometimes get so wrapped up in maintaining law and order and in carrying out their sworn duties, they might overlook the sensitivities and sentiments of the socially challenged miscreants, mobsters, molesters and murderers.

In this particular case, we must remember the suspect is the product of uncaring society and should, therefore, not be referred to in derogatory terms much less held responsible for his actions.

I suggest that should a similar situation arise, the person be described as simply a "person" and save that poor person the heartbreak of having unsympathetic city officials and local reporters making cruel and hurtful comments about that person's weight, skin color, sex and age.

Okay, so I'm a little over 35, you still get my point.

Stephen A. Busch, Pequot Lakes"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Ok people, here's the deal:
I've got this link here to a website that gives away free iPods. I'm close to getting a free one, but I need some people's help. I need to have 10 people complete an offer on this site through my referral link. Most of them are really easy to do, and are free as long as you cancel before the trial period is over. AND, once you complete an offer, all you have to do is get 10 of your friends to do the same thing and you get a free iPod too!

I realize that all of this sounds really suspicious and cheesy and such, but it really does work. I just completed an offer where I could have received a free x-box, but I chose the option for $200 instead. So they really do work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me out on this! I will be eternally indebted to you!

***NOTE: The best offer, in my opinion, is for 2 free weeks of Blockbuster Online. With this service, you pick the movies you want online, they send them to you in the mail (you can have three at a time), and you get 2 free in-store rentals with your trial membership too. All of the movies come with postage-payed return envelopes too, so it's a pretty sweet deal. Just make sure that, if you don't want to pay, you cancel your membership by the end of the 2 weeks.***

Simply Stunning

This could only happen in Crosby, and only the Dispatch would cover it. I'm surprised Pillager didn't want in on any of this action. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

If you insist

Hannah wants me to post a "Who is this?" puaale for today, so if you already read the previous post and are reading this tomorrow, my apologies, but I can't say no to Hannah.

My triumphant return

I'm back at school (finally). Thanks to everyone I saw along the way for putting up with me. I had such a great time seeing everybody. Random thoughts that some people will understand, others won't, and some that I just noticed in my head:

1. Did you guys have Prince?
2. The Kentucky state line sign says this: Kentucky: Where Education Pays. And it has the outline of a graduate holding his diploma.
3. Caution: Asteroid Crossing.
4. (related to 3) Mt. Vernon Iowa is like Nisswa with a hill instead of lakes.
5. Sprint has condemned north-eastern Iowa. I got no service for like 2 hours.
6. There is never a Sonic when you want there to be one. I drove for 4 hours today watching the exit signs, looking for a Sonic until I found one. And then I had an orange cream slush, so it was all better.
7. Mapquest is ok, but they should really work on their time estimates.
8. Driving in downtown Chicago is insane.
9. Boos was too busy eating tampons to hang out with me. But I guess that's what "cities" people do, so I can't blame him for that.

Ok, so I'll be posting regularly now. I'll even have the blog games back up starting tomorrow.

I finally got to change the header, and I like this one the best so far I think, esp with the black background. I'll do my best to figure out where I can change the color of that strip between the posts ans the sidebar, but until then, sorry.

Thats it for now, I'm going to eat
peace out

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Eventually means now

I had a few extra minutes, and I like it.

That piece of ugly crap needs to go

First and foremost: I apologize for the crappy logo. It was a decent idea gone horrible wrong. I promise to have it fixed. Eventually.

So I leave Nashville tomorrow at 12:20 PM, and I'll be arriving in the grand land of the north at 6:10, with a 2 hour stop in Charlotte. Fun. But I AM happy to be going home for a little bit. It will definitely get me through the rest of the year for sure, especially since this semester is going so much better than last. I went to the opening round of the A-Sun mens basketball tournament tonight, and Belmont won, so I might be able to watch them on TV on Saturday if they win one more game. That might happen, but it's not a for sure thing.

I just got my computer fixed- for free- by the Belmont Network Services, and they actually got most of it fixed. Nice job guys, keep it up.

Since I'm going to be home, I don't anticipate any breaks in posting (particularly for the blog game), but I will apologize in advance if I forget. I definitely can't promise anything next weekend, since I'll be on the road, but I'll do my best.

Just so everyone remembers, Martha Stewart is released at 12:01 AM on Sunday, so everyone should have a big party to celebrate her transfer from jail to house arrest. Some party suggestions:
1. A bake off, using only recipes from Martha Stewart Living Annual Recipes 2005
2. Hold a dramatic reading of her biography, Martha Stewart: America's Lifestyle Expert

Just a few options, I'm sure you can be creative and think of something even grander.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Everything I need to know I learned from Bob Saget

So I was watching Full House today on ABC Family, and I learned one of the most important lessons ever. You see, Steph had been the best speller in her 4th grade class, so she got to go to the grade spelling bee, where she didn't think she'd win because of a kid named Dave. Well, Danny wouldn't let her think like that, so she went in with a ton of confidence and lost right away. Steph got so upset that she challenged Dave to a rematch, which she eventually lost, and was a sore loser about it. So Danny told her that she's a winner in his book as long as she isn't a sore loser, and that there will always be someone better than she is.

Moral of the story: Did I mention that Dave's last name was Chou? Yep, he was Asian. So, I learned that, no matter how good I can try to be at something, there's always going to be some Asian who's better than me, and I just need to accept that.

In unrelated news, I don't like the ugly orange color on here, so I'm changing it. And, when I get time, I'm going to take Ashley off and get a better header. But I'm leaving Scott on the Blog Games because I like that one a lot.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

And then George Lucas declared, "Let my movie suck!" and it was so.

Just thought I would let everyone know the joyous news that the trailer for the new Star Wars film will be premiering on March 10. On the O. C.

Stab me with a dull spoon.