Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Target, thou hast failed me

My quest to purchase Finding Neverland today was markedly unsuccessful. I first looked at Tower Records, and they had it, but for an outlandish $20, so I left that establishment with just my new Jars album, which is magnificent. I then traveled to Target, assuming that they would have plenty on hand and at a reasonable price. When I arrived, only half of that was correct. The price? 16.99. The number of copies? 0. I counted NINE empty spaces where it should have been, but, to my chagrine, it was not meant to be. So tomorrow I must now ventrue into Cool Springs (15 minutes away) to purchase this most glorious film. But it will be worth the wait, of that I am sure. In the meantime, I will be watching "The Motorcycle Diaries" tonight, which I have heard is an amazing film as well. Let's hope so.

On a note only related to the previous in that I was informed of this on my way to Target, Ben Folds lives like a block away from my dorm. Consequently, I will be looking for a female friend of mine down here who is willing to take in some boarders for a while as I'm sure several college girls in the Midwest have already begun packing to come and visit "me".

1 comment:

.....ashley said...

we could download finding neverland over a week ago for free