Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Two things of note occurred yesterday:

1. My dad ran over my foot with a fork lift. It kinda hurt, but it's feeling surprisingly well today. So, either it's a miracle, or I have an unknown nerve disorder that will kill me in an indeterminate amount of time. Hopefully it's the former.

2. I saw Batman Begins with Hannah and Kayla, and it was pretty dang sweet. Much better than I imagined it being. At the end, they set it up for a sequel where Batman takes on the Joker, and rumor has it that Mark Hamill is on the top of the list. Yes, Luke Skywalker. I really hope he makes a comeback, he has such thespian talent. Seriously though, by far the best Batman movie, and I loved the casting of Michael Caine as Alfred. Stroke of genius.

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