Saturday, November 11, 2006

Adventures in video rental

I am watching Mission Impossible 3 again, reminding me of how good that movie is.

Last night we had a bit of an adventure. Matt, Jon, and I went to get Chinese and rent a movie. So, we get our food to go (which was excellent) and head over to the Movie Gallery on 8th right before it becomes Franklin Road.

This place was ghetto.

We decided on a movie remarkably quickly (Inside Man, which was as good as the Chinese), and get in line. Well, the one lady working the store spent the first 10 minutes we were in line going through some paperwork and forms with a woman for some reason. The next guy, she spent about 5 mintues with and then he got frustrated and left without anything. Now there's just one more customer between me and freedom. She has coupons and gift cards and all sorts of things. The cashier never really seemed to know exactly what she was doing. She got kind of flustered and had to ring the woman up twice. So, after 20 minutes waiting to rent this movie, I got the front of the line. Our initial exchange went like this:

Cashier: Do you have a membership with us?
Me: No
Cashier: Would you like to start an account with us?
Me: Not really.
Cashier: Well we can't rent to people who don't have an account with us...
Me: Ok then, I'll get an account.

We spent the next 5 minutes going over my address and how I heard about the store and all of the special offers they had (Did you know they recently raised the rates on new releases from $3.89 to $3.99? But it's OK, because they now offer oone free new release with the rental of three others). She eventually got around to ringing up the movie, and I walked out of there at least a half hour later than I should have. Matt and Jon spent most of the time laughing at the situation. And I concluded that, once I return this movie by Wednesday, I will never step foot in that store unless it is an emergency. all the way.

My day at Reverb has consisted of hanging out with Ben for a few hours watching the Office, watching MI:III, and making a preliminary Christmas list because my sister apparently wants to get her shopping done early.

Tonight will include Country Music Showcase (please don't suck) and a long-overdue Nertz party at Julie's. Let the games begin!

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