Saturday, November 04, 2006

Behold My Heart

Its another Saturday evening at the Beech House. Being filled with three college students and one recent college grad, you'd think that everyone would be going crazy, off to parties, and in a general state of excitement and adventure, right? Not so much. It's 9:30, and as I write this all three of my housemates are in various stages of getting ready for bed. I, being at least one year younger than all of them and of a stubborn will, am being as defiant in the face of fatigue as possible. I am in my room, but the door is open, and I am listening to a rather enchanting album, Paul McCartney's "Ecce Cor Meum" (Behold My Heart), a classical-style disc with five lengthy tracks that is very serene, relaxing, and well done. Apparently Sir Paul has done several classical works, some even award-winning at that.

My journey to get this disc begins in July, when I enrolled in Investment Portfolio Management as an exploratory endeavor. Once in the class in August, Dr. Gonas told us that we needed to have access to the Wall Street Journal every day, and since I didn't want to have to go online through the Belmont library every day, I bought the 15-week subscription. I do a spotty job of actually the newspaper now, however, so it was by sheer coincidence that I ended up looking in the "My Journal" section in late September, where they included an article on said disc and McCartney's classical work. I made a mental note to find that someday, and today happened to be that day.

I worked at Reverb from 10-3 (again, a few customers, no sales). Around 1, Ryan called asking if I wanted to go to an electronics liquidation sale downtown at Municipal Auditorium, and I thought that sounded like a great idea, so we piled six of us into my Taurus and drove through Nashville until we found a parking space, which ended up about 3 blocks from the auditorium. We walk around the entire auditorium trying to find this sale and only seeing throngs of pre-pubescent cheerleaders wearing too much make-up and traveling in packs. Eventually we find the entrance and discover that there's a $7 entrance fee, and since none of us had cash or wanted to pay, I suggested we go to Tower Records, which is closing soon and is having a huge clearance sale to get rid of inventory. We wandered around the store for 45 minutes and I found nothing that was at a price that made it a must-buy, so I was ready to leave. Then, as Tim was buying his stuff, I remembered "Ecce", and so I went on a whim to the composer section. Lo and behold, it was there!

And that is the story of how I came to own Paul McCartney's new album. Quite exciting if you ask me.

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