Thursday, May 19, 2005

What do you mean, "It was actually good"?

First and foremost: saw Episode III last night, and it almost lets me forgive George Lucas for Episode I (I didn't mind Episode II, mainly because of the sweet fight scene with Yoda). I won;t give away any of the twists and turns, but I will say
1. I liked Hayden Christiansen WAY more in this one than Episode II (although he was still pretty weak when talking with Padme)
2. Natalie Portman is hot. No lie.
3. I thought Anakin's turn to the dark side was a little too sudden, but that's just my opinion.

Low point of the event: not starting til 12:30 because of the concessions stand. But I'm not bitter. Not at all.
I think I'm gonna see it again this weekend, but in Jenkins, because they have stadium seating. Anybody wants to come, let me know (probably Friday night).

Still no response from John Hansen. Slacker.

I got a new cell phone last night, and I'm still getting used to it, but I like it alot, so thats good. No camera, but I'll survive.

Worked 10 hours today, probably another 8-9 tomorrow. It's money though, and at this rate, I don't think I'll have to get another job if I'm working over 50 hours a week.

Just got back from the BHS band concert, which was pretty good. I need to catch up on sleep after last night.

Peace out.


Josh said...

I went to Revenge of the Sith last night at midnight and John Hansen was sitting in front of me. After the movie he just sat there and stared at the screen

hannah said...

did you call him a tool and tell him to give me his job?

and of course natalie portman is hot. she's my girl crush. she's bald these days you know, but still, major hottie.