Thursday, May 05, 2005

Oder now, operators are standing by

A personal plug:

I have decided to start a small side business that hopefully can benefit any of you who wish to participate. I'm offering to re-sell used textbooks online, and I'll keep 10% of the final sale price. For those of you who are unaware of the potential benefits for yourself out of this, I can almost guarantee you at elast twice as much money for your book as your campus bookstore would give you for it, and in many cases quite a few more times that much! If this goes well this way, I might do a reverse program in the fall to buy books cheap for people. Anyway, if this at all interests you, let me know, and I'll get in touch with you about how we'll do it.

OK, that's over.

The word I most often mis-type in blog posts: "should" always comes out "shoudl". Why is this?

Must study Old Testament. Must study Old Testament. Must study....

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