So, they found Deep Throat. Sweet
Now if only we could find Osama, that would be three mysteries solved in one week (along with the location of sculpture gardens)
It's almost June. For some reason, it's fealt like June ever since I've been home. But now I get to have like 45 days of June, which isn't all bad. June has its moments.
Yesterday pretty much makes up for how bored I was the rest of my 4-day weekend. I woke up around 9:34, and hung out until the softball game at 1. Softball was a great game, we won 7-0, and the weather turned out to be amazing. So amazing, in fact, that Jackie, Carmen, Ashley, Maria and I went to Poncho's and then hung out at Gregory Park for a couple hours. Then we decided that we should hang out at a beach that night, so we met at Whipple at 8:30, and started calling everybody we knew, and then we went back to my house with everybody and we had a fire and played stupid campfire games, it was great. Hung out inside once enough people had found ticks on themselves, and we played 4 on a couch, which was decent enough, but I think there was enough people who were tired and enough who were hyper that the game never really caught on. Hung out until like 1:30 I think. It was quite possibly the best Memorial Day I've had in a while.
This was the closest to a normal "Mark Party" that I've had since being home. Now we just need Scott and Maya and the picture will be complete. Maybe Scott could bring his new brother-in-law too. Chino. How exciting.
I tried making a good summer mix, but I think O failed. I start too many mixes with "Don't Panic" by Coldplay. And I need to work on my song order. I end up going from acoustic to hip-hop to rock in three songs, and that's just not right most of the time.
Albums I'm looking forward to:
1. "X & Y" - Coldplay (duh)
2. "Nothing is Sound" - Switchfoot
3. "Sunrise to Sunset" - Paul Wright
4. "Panic" - MxPx