Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Kudos and Catastrophes

I just had two incredible realizations tonight, but of opposite persuasions.

Good: New Coldplay single "Speed of Sound" available on iTunes today. It sounds pretty sweet, I'm not gonna lie.

Bad: There are no Taco John's in the south! Everybody wanted to go to Taco Bell (gag me with an iron) and I was all "Do they have a Taco John's in Nashville?" and everyone looked at me like the freak I am. All i wanted were some potato ole's, and I ended up with a stupid Chicken Quesedilla from Taco Bell, which reminded me why I haven't been there in like 6 years. Nastiness in a shell. I never thought anything would make me not like a quesedilla. I was mistaken.

Oh, and one more good realization that came yesterday while reading Entertainment Weekly: New episodes of Family Guy are only like 10 days away! And I found out that they're coming out with an 80-minute direct-to-dvd Family Guy movie! So much goodness, it almost makes up for me not getting spicy tots tonight. Almost.

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