Sunday, April 03, 2005

Are you talking?

Dear Hello,
If you could start working sometime today, that'd be great.

Sincerely, Mgmt


I've decided that any papers I am assigned for the remainder of my college education that can be remotely connected to The Chronicles of Narnia will be. I'm not sure how to punctuate the previous sentence to give the proper emphasis, so if you're confused by it, read it a couple of times in different ways, and one of those will hopefully be right.


If anyone hears of any really good paying jobs for the summer, let me know, k? Thanks.


I am going to watch Vera Drake sometime this week. And Alfie. And maybe King Arthur, but only if I'm in a Keira Knightly mood.


I hope that Michael Jackson does another Barbara Walters interview soon that goes something like this:

"After Terri Schiavo died, I sensed that someone else important was going to die too, just like how I felt after Princess Diana died, and I hoped both times that it wasn't me. The first time it was Mother Teresa. Now it was the Pope. I feel so blessed."

I would pretty much die laughing if he pulled his psychic powers out again.


Odds on:

Hello working tonight - 10:1
My computer getting a virus this week - 5:1
Another blog dying this week - push
The Twins winning the World Series - 9:2
Illinois winning the NCAA Tournament - 3:2
This post needing to end - 1:1

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

Barbara Walters....yeah, don't get me started

P "N" K said...

Ummm how can you not be in a Keira Knightley mood? Or is it just that thing with me and brunettes again? Sooooo confused.