Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Adventures in Business Law, Starring The Thespian and The Liberal

I have a class called Business Law on Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:15. If that wasn't insanely long enough, I have two additional problems:

1. The teacher, while a decent guy, could go for hours about nothing related to business law. His entire lecture could take a sum total of 30 minutes, at most, but he takes the time to answer every single question about law, no matter the relevance to the class or the topic at hand. AND, he talks very dramatically, splitting sentences into fragments and saying those fragments quickly, followed by a long dramatic pause until the next phrase that just keeps me on edge. And he's a lawyer (Strike 3)

2. During one of his off-subject rants today, he dove into the Patriot Act, and, in the process, further exposed one of my classmates to be a flaming liberal in the truest sense of the term. She makes some of the people who are reading this look like moderates. She could have gone on rant after rant about the evils of the patriot act, and the professor would have let her do it. My opinion: a. The Patriot Act has little to no bearing on Business Law, at least not the area we are currently discussing and probably will discuss while covering the first 20 chapters of a 60 chapter book. b. I want to hear her say that The Patriot Act is such a travesty if it was repealed and her child was killed in a terrorist attack. If I'm not doing anything wrong, I don't care if the government knows what I'm doing. AND, if someone else IS doing something wrong, I WANT the government to know about it. The government has the mandate to protect its citizens, and I can easily make the decision between a loss of some privacy and the death of an innocent.


P "N" K said...

Thank You Mark. That last bit (part B) was an articulate way of explaining the position I have should I be asked about it. That's better than anything I've come up with. So thanks for the discourse.

.....ashley said...

haha mark none of the liberals posted, are you disappointed???

markymark said...

i am. i guess i need to do something like support social security reform to get some people pissed enough to comment.