Saturday, February 19, 2005

What could have been...

Today I was at a Belmont womens basketball game, having a good time, watching a pretty good game. And then, the following happened: my name was called by the announcer over the loudspeaker. You see, I had entered myself into a contest to take a hapf-court shot for a semester of free tuition. And my name got picked.

So, I'm getting all nervous and stuff, and I get up there to shoot the ball. I had been planning on aiming a little long and trying to bank it in, but once I got up there, I shot for the rim. The ball went straight for the hoop, came down right in the cylinder... and then went out. I was so pissed. That would've been $12,000 in one shot. Instead, I'm left with nothing. Sweet.


P "N" K said...


I feel so bad for you!

Bet you gave the crowd a thrill though...nice shot regardless.

"Jackie" said...

yeah and at least you looked good doing it.

"Jackie" said...

what happaned with kixters plzs tell me story NOWWWW