Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Insurgency and G. I. Joe

Do the Iraqi rebels really think we are this stupid?

A photo was released today of a soldier, bound with rope, with a gun to his head. They said that he would be decapitated if prisoners were not released. (On a sidenote, if they're gonna behead the guy, why are they holding a gun to his head? Wouldn't you think they'd hold a machete against his neck to impress the gravity of his situation?)

Well, it turns out, the "prisoner" is actually an aciton figure of an American soldier in Iraq, "Special Ops Cody". The "gun" is one of the plastic weapons the figurine comes with. It's a good thing we figrued this all out too, otherwise there would have been a bunch of criminals running free in the streets of Baghdad.

Oh, wait, no there wouldn't. As long as you don't count the ones who are already there.

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