Sunday, February 06, 2005

Overheard: Lashombism's in 2005

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
i don't think i could stand the lockdown thing

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
by and large, it's just monotonous

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
but we'd figure out a way around it

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
Haha, a lot of kids did. they just left before the teachers got to the doors. unfortuantely, now the school has hired full time security guard people

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
who just stand there the whole day

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
wow, our tax dollars at work

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
exactly. apparently ISD 181 is 3 mil in the whole, yet they can hire them

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
what about fuzzy math?

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
you'd think that since liberals are so good with finances they could figure it out

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
yeah, you'd think. even lashomb is getting confused.

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
yeah, and he finds it fiscally responsible to be living in two places at the same time

(MIT...Time crawls) Best. Meet. I've. Ever. Had. What a confidence booster says:
oh man. someone in comp. gov a few days ago made the mistake of asking him how he would supplement his income when he moved full time to vegas (b/c he'd lose it gambling)

"Maybe i'll be one of those dancers with the poles"

Massssssssssssss looks of discomfort in the room

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
oh wow, thats terrible

the world don't need scholars as much as I'd thought says:
and hilarious


markymark said...

no i didn't make a list... i remember something about pasty white theighs, and i believe that was the origin of kirstin eating immigrant babies

markymark said...
