Tuesday, September 16, 2008

That's right, I've never seen Ghostbusters

I have a large DVD collection. I enjoy finding a good deal on a movie, and even more so on a season of television; that's just how I roll.

Yet, for all the movies I own and all the ones I've seen, there are dozens of extremely popular films I have never seen. And, whenever this happens, one of my friends is invariably there to say, "What? You've never seen that? But you've seen everything!"

Needless to say, this gets kind of annoying. So, to minimize the occurrence of this phenomenon, I plan on making a concerted effort to see more of these "classic" titles. Here are a few on my current list; if you have any suggestions on which should be a higher priority, let me know and I will take it into consideration.

1. Almost Famous
2. Ghostbusters
3. Casablanca
4. Gone With the Wind
5. Lethal Weapon
6. Terminator
7. What Women Want
8. Top Gun
9. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
10. The Exorcist


Anonymous said...

I'n kind of sad you haven't seen Casablanca, Gone With the Wind or Almost Famous. I own Almost Famous if you want to borrow it. Let me know.

Haley said...

It hurts me that you haven't seen Almost Famous. It's in my Top 5 Favorite Movies of All Time (don't ask me to name the other four.)

When you finally see it, I want to be there.

Jen Clapp said...

I can't believe you're including What Women Want in the same list as those others...really...I mean, obviously include it because you haven't seen it, but it's really not on the level of the others.