Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Only in Nashville...

...Can you go to a charity concert put on by your boss and have Scott Hamilton (yes, THAT Scott Hamilton) introduce the evening. Awesome.

I think I need to take a couple posts here to introduce you all to the wonderful world of internet streaming. I will be doing upcoming posts on the following sites, so here's a link to them so you can prepare yourself:




I know you may think that streaming is pretty lame, and I agree it can be at times. But we are getting closer and closer to the day when everyone will have internet-ready phones and the net will always be at your fingertips. When that happens, you'll all thank me for the coming lessons.

Two more days to the new season of The Office...


Anonymous said...

A couple of things...
1. Scott Hamilton came into work the other day and I sat him and his party of eight and almost peed myself.
2. I CANNOT wait for the new season of The Office! AHHH! I will be in class but I am going to stay up and watch it online! Can't wait.

Jen Clapp said...

1. I love Pandora, but they have it blocked at work. I like it particularly at Christmas...

2. I stood in front of Scott Hamilton in line at Starbucks once. The guy behind him kept bugging him...he actually talked to him more about his wife being a huge fan, and then some things about Brian Boitano. I felt bad for the guy (Hamilton).

Anonymous said...

I am jealous that I have never seen Scott Hamilton. I love figure skating. Wait, we are talking about Scott Hamilton the figure skater, right? Cause he was great.