Thursday, April 20, 2006

Three's a magic number

I have 3 class days left.


That's unbelievable at this point. The odd thing about it is I don't have an unbearable load of work right now. My main focus this last week and a half before finals is a 10-15 page paper for third year writing that I think I'm going to do on how and why people used blogs to deal with Hurricane Katrina. Interesting stuff...

The guys and I are meeting with our future landlord tomorrow afternoon to go over the lease and do the security deposit deal. That will lead into a weekend of... not a whole lot. Something needs to happen, I need interaction this weekend. Plus, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous (upper 70s and mostly sunny both Saturday and Sunday). I'm feeling ultimate or something of equal or greater enjoyment. We'll figure it out.

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