Random goodness
I just found this on "Overheard in New York"
It's Complicated
Girl: Did you just fart?
Guy: That's an awkward question.
Girl: Is that a yes?
--Silver Center, NYU
And, last night we found this amazing shirt on Randomshirts.com
Everything you never thought you wanted to know, or would have wanted to, but were unaware of its existence.
I just found this on "Overheard in New York"
Girl: Did you just fart?
Guy: That's an awkward question.
Girl: Is that a yes?
--Silver Center, NYU
And, last night we found this amazing shirt on Randomshirts.com
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2:35:00 PM
These days pass so quickly. Yesterday was not my last day at Gotee, even though I think it was supposed to be. I'm going to go back on Wednesday at least for a bit, and they're taking the interns out to lunch; I'm never one to pass up free food.
The Belmont Best of the Best showcase is tonight, and it should be thoroughly entertaining. I need to figure out something to do afterwards, but that will come in time. all in good time.
I was looking at the new movie release schedule for the summer and, starting next week, it looks to be quite busy:
May 5 - Mission Impossible 3 - This movie needs to not suck, and most of the indications are that it won't. Please don't suck.
May 12 - Poseidon - A good old fashioned disaster movie, can't pass it up.
May 19 - Da Vinci Code - Should at least be entertaining, and I'm interested to see what they did with it.
May 19 - Over the Hedge - I'm not completely sold on this one yet, but it has huge potential. Maybe I'm just sick of CGI animals...
May 26 - X3: The Last Stand - Again, all indications are this third installment will not suck. Right now, can I just say that May looks to be one of the best months for movie releases in my lifetime?
June 2 - The Break Up - I like Vince Vaughan, and haven't seen a good quasi-romantic comedy in a while.
June 9 - Cars - More CGI, this time with, obviously, cars instead of animals. A good step in the right direction.
June 9 - Prarie Home Companion - Because it's Minnesota, and because it should be excellent.
June 16 - Nacho Libre - Jack running around in Spandex, wrestling Mexicans, and wooing a nun? Gold.
The first week without a new release I want to see is June 23. I guess if I really get desperate, I can go see Adam Sandler's "Click", cause I'm certainly not going to see a the Garfield sequal.
June 30 - Superman Returns - I've never really seen the originals, so I need to watch them first, but this has a lot of potential.
July 7 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Hopefully close to as good as the first.
July 14 - Not much here, maybe see Scanner Darkly or You, Me, and Dupree.
July 21 - Lady in the Water - Just because I want to see what it's about.
July 28 - Miami Vice - Looks pretty dang sweet.
August 4 - Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby - Hearing Will Ferrell as a NASCAR driver say "Thank you, God, for my two strapping boys, Walker and Texas Ranger" makes it worth the 8 bucks.
August 11 - World Trade Center - Maybe? Still hard to tell on this one. I do kind of want to see United 93 though, it looks good and has received incredible reviews.
August 18 - Snakes on a Plane - Heck yes.
And then I'm back at school. Crazy how you can measure a season in movies.
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1:39:00 PM
So Dwight asked Oscar if he'd ever pooped out a balloon on The Office tonight.
And all is right in the world.
In completely unrelated news, I took my last normal test of the year this morning, which went fine, and, assuming I got an A on it, I don't have to take my accounting final. Huzzah.
Lindsey Jones had her CD release show tonight at the Curb Cafe, and she did a great job. She has a really cool style, that whole female singer-songwriter thing but with a very unique style to it. Anyway, her CD is $8, and you can check out some of it on her myspace.
As far as I know tomorrow is my last day at Gotee... kind of sad, really. I like the place a lot, and I'm hoping to intern with them next spring, just before graduation. The fall will bring another internship, I'm not sure where yet. I should get on that some time.
So I went to a program today about beginner blogging, and I actually learned about some stuff I'm gonna try and add on here. We'll see if I can figure out the html...
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9:58:00 PM
I am slowly realizing just how little I have left of this school year. Two class days, two days of internship, 1 10-15 page paper, 1 accoutning test, and 4 finals on the first day of finals (May 4). After that, I'm home free! My finals should be relatively simple, with an in-class essay in Third Year Writing at 8 AM, followed by finals in marketing and finance that aren't comprehensive, and concluding with a 16 question multiple choice final for physical education activity at 5:30. I know, my life sucks, I'm not sure how I live with this crazy of a schedule either. Oh well, life goes on.
Pete got a book of Sudoku from his mom for Easter and, since he doesn't do them, he gave it to me on Sunday. Since that time, I've completed the first 83 puzzles. Granted these were mostly very easy, easy, and medium puzzles, I still have no life.
I am slowly realizing how many people won't be in Brainerd this summer... could be interesting. Plus, I'm not sure if I've put this on here yet or not, but my parents are planning on selling our house this summer and building a new one south of town. In the meantime, we'd be living at my aunt and uncle's on Gull for the summer, which should be incredible, but it will also mean more travel time to pretty much anywhere. No worries though, I'll still have people over often, and now we'll have a pool table and big screen TV to work with!
The next few weekends should be fun (and cheap!), as this weekend we've got lunch in the park with church on Sunday, and next Saturday brings the church picnic in the morning and a wedding in the afternoon. All of this equates to lots of free food I don't have to buy and throw out before I leave (Pretty sure that sounds redundant, but I don't care).
Just because everyone else is doing it, my MyHeritage celebrity face scan results are, in order:
Justin Timberlake
Jesse Metcalf
Brian Dennehy
The last one makes sense, not so sure about the first two...
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9:12:00 PM
Can I just say that I love NBA playoff time? Granted, they go on for far too long, and the Timberwolves aren't in it for a second straight season, but I love the energy and excitement surrounding a game, especially the later rounds and the later games within the rounds. Sure these guys may not be playing for the pride of a school like the NCAA tournament, but underdogs still exist (You don't have to look back too far to see an eighth seed Denver knock out Seattle, or a six seed Houston winning the title). Plus, these guys are incredibly talented.
People harp on the NBA for having selfish players who don't care about the fundamentals, but instead just try to glorify themselves through showboating and theatrics. And, for some players, that is totally the case. But the same can be said of the NCAA. Most NBA players have a huge respect for the game, and the reason they appear to be playing with a lack of fundamentals is because they're playing against the best players in the world. Put your average NCAA player in that situation and they would look foolish.
Maybe it's the relatability of college basketball that makes people more excited. They see a bunch of people on the court who aren't too different from them. Most are skinny guys with an OK jump shot or big guys who know how to throw their weight around. Sounds kind of like a YMCA pick up game to me.
Now don't get me wrong, I love college basketball, and I'd be hard pressed to make a case for another sporting event being superior to the NCAA Tournament. But, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching people who play for a living doing what they are paid to do. Given the choice of seeing Duke's first round game or the Cavs' firs game, I'd take LeBron over JJ 9 times out of 10.
And that's all I've got to say about that.
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11:03:00 PM
Aaagh! I am so frustrated, and for no reason at that. I'm just in one of those moods where I can hardly stand to be around myself, almost more so than around other people. Things I am not a fan of at the moment:
1. Friday nights with nothing to do so you play Rummikub because it's there.
2. Signing leases and paying the security deposit the week before the first month's rent is due.
3. The unfulfilled.
I need to stop whining on here or I'm gonna start saying things that will piss people off. I don't even know what #3 means on there, I basically felt like I needed to have a third point and couldn't think of anything to type that wouldn't single people out. Maybe there's some sort of existential meaning behind it. Let me know if you think of anything.
This weekend is going to be beautiful. You know what I'll end up doing with it? Working 12-6 tomorrow, wasting the prime outdoor activity hours, and maybe getting to hang at the park on Sunday for a bit. The problem with that is it always seems that everyone saves their homework for gorgeous Sunday afternoons, so I'll be there playing Frisbee with myself. Maybe I should buy a kite or something just in case.
I seriously just want to go off and rant on here for a while, but that won't do anything helpful. I wish there was some way to express frustration through a keyboard. I had a visual interpretation, but it throws off the margins, so it's now gone.
All right, to end on a positive, if you haven't heard Mat Kearney yet, check him out. He's got a great sound, kind of like if Coldplay mixed in some hip/hop stuff. And his album "Nothing Left to Lose" is only $8 at best Buy this week. Which means you need to buy it tomorrow.
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9:30:00 PM
I have 3 class days left.
That's unbelievable at this point. The odd thing about it is I don't have an unbearable load of work right now. My main focus this last week and a half before finals is a 10-15 page paper for third year writing that I think I'm going to do on how and why people used blogs to deal with Hurricane Katrina. Interesting stuff...
The guys and I are meeting with our future landlord tomorrow afternoon to go over the lease and do the security deposit deal. That will lead into a weekend of... not a whole lot. Something needs to happen, I need interaction this weekend. Plus, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous (upper 70s and mostly sunny both Saturday and Sunday). I'm feeling ultimate or something of equal or greater enjoyment. We'll figure it out.
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10:55:00 PM
I have been reminded, thanks to Cameron Crowe, of the most fun word ever:
Seriously, how much fun is that to say? "Fiasco." It rolls off the tongue with such forceful grace, it's scary, really. Even the definition is sweet:
n : a sudden and violent collapse
Isn't vocabulary fun?
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8:55:00 PM
This past weekend was incredibly relaxing, spent in Texas at the Russell home with 11 friends. Chilled out on the lake, in the hot tub, around the house, etc... Overall, a great way to spend a long weekend.
I've decided that caravan road trips are one of the worst things ever invented. Period.
While in TX, we found out that Jon, Tim, Ryan, and I have a house for next year! It's about a half mile from campus, and should be a ton of fun on all fronts. The lease starts May 1, and goes for a year. This, however, is coupled with my basic resignation to the fact that I'll be in Brainerd for the summer. Not a bad situation, I'll love being back there, but it leaves me in a bit of limbo trying to find someone willing to take my place in the house for the first three months. I've got a few proimising leads, but if you hear of anyone looking for housing in Nashville for the summer, send them my way.
4 weeks from two days ago I will be back home. The crazy thing? I have little to no homework during this period (as always). Let the countdown begin!
Edit: I just found this t-shirt, basically amazing!
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9:41:00 PM
All right, all sorts of fun going on down here in the 'Ville...
First: Yes, there were tornados this weekend, but the nearest was probably 20 miles north, so it didn't impact my situation at all. It did cause quite a bit of damage, especially around my friend Jessica's town of Hendersonville (her house is fine). The outlook for the next week looks great, so it doesn't look like this will become a weekly event.
Second: My parents and Abby came down this weekend! They arrived Friday afternoon, and we had a very low-key weekend, eating at great restaurants, playing cards, and seeing the Belmont production of Cats, which was thoroughly entertaining, especially because we were far enough back that the Spandex wasn't overly distracting. It was good to see them for the first time in four months, and I'll be seeing them in just another month already, so it wasn't a big deal to say goodbye.
Third: Jon, Tim, Ryan, and I went house hunting this weekend, and found one that should work for us, although we are still going to look at one more just around the corner. I'm glad this is coming together. It's also looking like I will be home for the summer, as I have no leads for paying internships or temp work down here. But, if something comes up, I'll be taking it if it fits. So, if you hear of any opportunities down here, let me know. And if you or someone you know is looking for a room to rent for the summer in Nashville, let me know too and I'll hook them up.
Fourth: Belmont has been taking over by CMT, a rather annoying situation. Tonight is the CMT Awards, which are, for some odd reason, being held in our own Curb Event Center. This means that they've basically blocked off every convenient route to the academic buildings. Thankfully, I have no classes on Monday, and I'm working, but no one's going to come in since they'd have a hard time getting here. I can look out the window and see the red carpet. It looks so out of place here.
But, if you want to see a bit of Belmont, watch CMT tonight at 8/7C. Should be interesting at least, especially if you enjoy country music. And Jeff Foxworthy, 'cause he's hosting. Oh joy, oh rapture, how glad I am to be in the studio tonight.
Fifth, and finally: As this is Easter week, we have been graciously presented with both Thursday and Friday off of class, which can only mean there's a road trip to be had. Me and 11 (I think) others will be heading to just outside of Dallas on Wednesday for a long weekend on the lake, courtesy the Russells. A good time will be had by all, and I am even looking forward to the 12-hour car trip both ways. Again, good times anticipated, followed by a few final weeks of class, and then back home (for sure the week of May 14-21, most likely for the summer).
And now, I leave you with a problem from my Accounting II textbook ( and by "my", I mean Rachel's, since I don't actually own the text). This was presented for an entire day in class a few weeks ago, and Ryan and I couldn't stop laughing. I ronically, we seemed to be the only immature people in the whole class, but if being mature means not laughing at this, I'm perfectly fine with being immature the rest of my days:
33. The Woods Enterprises prepared the following standard costs for the production of one stuffed pooh:
Direct Materials: 1.5 pounds @ $2 per lb
Direct Labor: 2 hours of assembly @ $15 per hour
Actual production costs for the production of 1000 stuffed poohs required 1750 pounds of stuffing at a cost of $1.95 per pound and 1950 labor hours at $15.25 per hour.
So our professor spent the entire class talking about the production of stuffed poohs, outsourcing your pooh production, and so on and so forth.
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9:38:00 AM
1. Anticlimactic Final Four games suck.
2. There isn't a facebook group for sudoku addicts, Tommy Boy fans, or Natalie Portman stalkers at Belmont. That might have to change...
3. I am apathetic about my apathy.
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10:34:00 PM
This week marks a milestone in the history of Reverb Media here on the campus of Belmont University: we now rent DVDs. That's right, DVDs. Nine of them, actually, for only $1.97 per night. They're going like hot cakes too, last night we rented out one whole movie (and that was to me). Hopefully the release of Narnia on Tuesday will help out things in this area. Meanwhile, with movies actually being offered in the store, those of us who are employed by the store now have a reason to watch movies on the giant video wall rather than playing music over documentaries. Right now, in fact, I am viewing Chicken Little. So far, not bad.
Final Four starts tongiht. I'm picking UCLA and Florida for the final, as much as I want George Mason. Pretty much the only final I don't want is Florida-LSU, because two schools from the same conference should never meet in the championship. And because I don't want it to happen, it most likely will.
I just realized that I'm wearing the jeans I wore Thursday night when we rolled down Capitol Hill, thus they are covered in grass stains. Splendid.
I talked to my superviser at Gotee yesterday, and she said that I would definitely have a position there if wanted it, so I'm quitting school at the end of this year and joining Gotee Records as an A & R coordinator! So amazing!
Ice Age 2 came out yesterday. We might go to it tonight, but most likely won't. I wasn't an uber huge fan of the original (it was cute, but not much beyond that), so it's more of a social event for me than cinematic experience.
This week's episode of the Office was probably my favorite in a while.
I was looking at facebook profiles last night, and I have no idea how some people get as many friends as they do. 650 friends? At a school of 4000? That's insane! Either these people are very visible in the school (which some of them are) and are too nice to reject a friend request, or they're major facebook whores. Maybe it's both.
I also realized that I haven't updated my profile in a while. Maybe I'll do that during the 3+ hours I have left here today.
And, in one week, my parents and little sister will be here. Insane.
In the craziest development of the week, I have a date for Monday night! Her name is Claire, and she is a student at Vanderbilt that I met at church. She's a nursing major, enjoys golf, and is originally from San Antonio. I guess we'll see what happens, but I really like her, adn I think we're gonna have a great time (we're going bowling for our first date! how amazing is that?).
Happy April Fools everybody!
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3:17:00 PM