Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Everything I need to know I learned from Bob Saget

So I was watching Full House today on ABC Family, and I learned one of the most important lessons ever. You see, Steph had been the best speller in her 4th grade class, so she got to go to the grade spelling bee, where she didn't think she'd win because of a kid named Dave. Well, Danny wouldn't let her think like that, so she went in with a ton of confidence and lost right away. Steph got so upset that she challenged Dave to a rematch, which she eventually lost, and was a sore loser about it. So Danny told her that she's a winner in his book as long as she isn't a sore loser, and that there will always be someone better than she is.

Moral of the story: Did I mention that Dave's last name was Chou? Yep, he was Asian. So, I learned that, no matter how good I can try to be at something, there's always going to be some Asian who's better than me, and I just need to accept that.

In unrelated news, I don't like the ugly orange color on here, so I'm changing it. And, when I get time, I'm going to take Ashley off and get a better header. But I'm leaving Scott on the Blog Games because I like that one a lot.

1 comment:

P "N" K said...