Question of the day
Would you rather be poor and famous or rich and infamous?
And none of this "i'd rather be plain and simple" crap. It's one or the other, no ambiguity at all. Me personally, I would rather be poor and famous, because everyone would know my name and I could mooch off of all of my famous friends.
Could you just be rich and sort of anonymous, instead of rich and infamous? If that was an option, I'd go for that. I guess it depends on what you're infamous for. If it was something really horrible, I'd have to say I'd rather be poor and famous.
i would definately be famous and poor. my reasoning is as follows: basically, if im famous, i could walk into a place and they would like, "Whoah, thats john valesano." and i would say, "yo, give me some food." and they would.
i wouldn't want to be famous, it's too hard, and if i were famous i couldn't run around with carmen singing 'i love you always forever' without people thinking i was on crack
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