Wednesday, November 02, 2005

People ask whether it's better to be loved or feared; I want people to fear how much they love me.

I'm gonna do my best to relay this experience to you, but it's really hard to put into words...

So my New Testament class has started doing group presentations. Each presentation takes a look at a chapter from our textbook that examines a current social issue and what the New Testament says about it. Well, the first group went yesterday, and their topic was Violence in Defense of Justice. The first girl gets up to talk about her section, and I was seriously lost for 20 minutes. I don't think anyone in the room, including her and the professor, knew what she was talking about. Thankfully, the next few people were much clearer and had actually taken the book and explained it in their own words. Finally, they got to the end of their prepared stuff and began open discussion.

BUT, before this got going, the first girl decided she wanted to give everyone a visual of what they were talking about.


She calls one of her group members over and has her hold a Bible in front of her. At this point, it is VERY obvious that no one in her group saw this coming at all. The girl holds the Bible as the crazy chick procedes to swing at her with the sword. This was supposed to demonstrate how Christians are supposed to fight in the world today, with the Sword of the Spirit rather than the sword of men. This would have at least made sense had she not continued to swing the sword and let out primal screams over and over. Then she had two guys from the back of the class get up and do the same thing, to represent "brother fighting brother." She continued to yell, "Hit him again! Do it!" and I was thoroughly distubed/not really concentrating because I was laughing so hard. The best part was my prof just sitting in the back of the room and letting it happen.

My group goes tomorrow, should be a good time. I hope we do better than they did. It would take quite a bit not to.

"The Office" last night was amazing as usual. It included, along with the title of this post, the following lines:

Toby (who is divorced): Michael can you get this done so we can go home?
Michael: Well Toby, you don't have anyone to go home to, so...

Jim: Was that your mom?
Dwight: No, it was my sensei.
Jim: I thought it was your mom.

Dwight: Did you wash your hands Kevin?

Ryan (On his cell phone): Hello?
Michael (in a high-pitched voice): Hi Ryan, this is Michael Jackson calling from Wonderland.
Ryan: You mean Neverland?
Michael: (pause) This is Tito calling from...

The biggest news of the episode is that Dwight has been secretly promoted from Assistant to the Regional Manager to Assitant Regional Manager. Its under a 2 month secret trial period though, so I have a feeling Dwight's gonna tell someone and he'll lose his promotion. But for now, this is huge.


Jeremy said...

Call it a hunch, but I have a crazy feeling that Kill Bill-sword lady didn't have a date for Friday night...

.....ashley said...

maaarrrrk respond to my comment on your xaannggaaaaaa plleasseeee