Last night, I went Contra Dancing. For those that don't know what it is, it's folk dancing in lines and groups, and it involves a lot of spinning. Bascially, if you've seen the new Pride and Prejudice, it's like the dancing scene in the beginning of that (I think), with faster music and more spinning and much more "swinging" (not like swing dancing, but swinging like taking your partner or neighbor and swinging around in circles). It's definitely one of those things that you have to experience in order to understand, but it was much more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I would even say I had a good time with it, especially once I was ok with swinging (My apologies to Jess, Ashley, and every other woman there for my ineptitude, especially early on). I might even go again, which is a scary thought.
One of the funniest things of the night was a dance that I happened to sit out for. Ashely was dancing with a guy named Boots, a man in his 40s who had a massive manly beard and a long bandanna tied around his head. There was one part of the dance called the Gypsy Meltdown, where the partners walk in a tight circle, staring at each other, for four beats before going into a swing. Well Boots, if you hadn't guessed, is a very expressive and playful fellow, and he made some of the greatest faces at Ashley, who stared him down like a pro. I would have paid the $5 entrance fee just to watch those two go at it in their Gypsy Meltdowns.
I think I've either lost my touch or Matt has gotten much better at Tiger Woods. Either way, I lost 8 strokes over 12 holes yesterday, and that is simply unacceptable.
I now have a co-worker at Reverb on Saturdays (whose name, even though she's sitting 4 feet away, escapes me). She's on from 12-7, which means that I get to leave early! Every Saturday!
This afternoon I will be playing racquetball with the Gazebo boys, then going to the Belcourt to see Pan's Labyrinth with my housemates and Bland, then bowling with my community group. A full day if ever there was one (at least by my standards).
I am so glad Dwight came back. You have no idea. Although I thought they could have drug that storyline out a little longer. And Andy needs to go. STAT. He's served his purpose, provided some of the funniest moments of season three, but I would be shocked if he makes it through another three episodes.
AND WHAT THE FRICK DID JIM DO? He was screwed no matter how he answered that question because it took him much too long to respond. I really don't want Karen to leave, she's definitely grown on me, but I am interested to see how this all shakes down. I think they'll keep her around for the rest of the season, and the season finale Jim will have to choose (they can't have Pam choosing between Jim and Roy again, that would be lame). Or, maybe, the season will end with Dwight and Angela eloping.
Now that's good TV.