The Final Countdown
Well I'm back in Nashville for the last two weeks of the semester. Seriously, two weeks from today I will have taken my last final and will be down to one semester until I join the real world. Unreal.
The rest of my time at home was good, pretty typical break-type stuff. Friday night I went to the Nisswa City of Lights Festival where they turn on all the Christmas lights in town and shoot off a bunch of fireworks. We missed the lighting, but the fireworks were pretty sweet. Then I hung out with Jenny for the rest of the night, which included chilling in the upstairs library at Adirondack with Abby and her friends, then watching Nacho Libre at my parents' house, which I did my best to stay awake during, but I'd been up since 4:30, so it was excusable.
Saturday I slept in until 10:30! So incredibly nice. My family went to Abby's first scrimmage of the year that afternoon, which they won pretty easily. That night we went to Grizzly's, where I had a nice pulled pork sandwich, and at night I went to Nikki's house to hang out with her and Maria, which included eating cookies and watching part of The Wedding Singer and all of The Break-Up (which was decent enough, not worth buying by any means).
Sunday we went to church, followed by pot roast and watching the Vikings actually win a game, as hard as they tried to lose it. Then, Abby, Sarah, John, and I went to the casino, since Abby is now old enough to do such things. I wasn't about to spend my own money there, so Sarah gave me $10, which I promptly put into a machine and turned into $49 on my second bet. I should have just cashed out that ticket, given Sarah her $10, kept $29, and spent the remaining $10, but for some reason that thought didn't cross my mind. I worked it all the way down to under $2 before eventually cashing out at $23, which I gave Sarah her $10 back from and spent the rest on a box of cookie dough that Abby was selling for a basketball fund-raiser. The girls both left with nothing, while John turned $20 into $53, so the boys made out just fine that night.
Monday was my travel day, which began with leaving the house at 5:45 to get to the airport for my 9:50 flight. I got to the Humphrey terminal around 8:30, and went right through security, so I watched a few episodes of Friends in the terminal. The flight to Milwaukee was great; if you ever get the chance to fly Midwest take it! Their seats are amazingly comfortable and roomy and they serve warm chocolate chip cookies for the snack! I loved it. Unfortunately, I had a 3 hour layover in Milwaukee, where I purchased the nastiest airport pizza ever, watched more Friends, and worked on the PowerPoint presentation for my principles of management class on Wednesday. Once back in Nashville, I worked at Reverb, picked Jon up from the airport, and pretty much went to bed.
The thought that I only have to go to the classes I had today twice more before their respective finals was so amazingly great, I loved it. My big projects left:
Wednesday - Group presentation in princ. of mgmt
Tuesday 12/5 - Group presentation in mgmt comm
Wednesday 12/6 - Princ of mgmt final
Thursday 12/7 - Business ethics final, Intellectual properties final
Friday 12/8 - Final paper for investments due (this will kill me. seriously)
I'm not exactly sure when my int'l business final is, I should find that out. And I have to go to class on Tuesday the 12th, even though my group isn't presenting, which I am completely fine with. After that, I'll probably head home on Wednesday or Thursday. So, I'm about two weeks from my return trip. Awesome.