No, not awkward at all...
So this weekend was guys weekend.
Friday night I worked until 10, then watched the first of the The Godfather Part II in Ryan's room cause he was on duty. I slept in on Saturday, then watched a bunch of college football and put the spare tire on my car so I can eventually get the old one patched. Then the me and the guys went to Chick-Fil-A, which was my first time going, and I have to say it wasn't as good as people made it out to be. I was more impressed with the waffle fries than my chicken strips. We decided that there's a chicken plateau that no chicken can taste better than. I'm not sure if Chick-Fil-A reached this plateau for me, but at least now I won't get evil glares from people when we talk about Chick-Fil-A.
Then we went to see "History of Violence". Before I get into how the movie was, I was first disappointed with the theater because they pulled a Movies 10 and only accept cash. Lame. So I really ended up paying $12.25 to see this movie, once you factor in the ATM fees I had to incur in order to pay. And then the movie started.
I had read several reviews online, and had not heard anyone say a bad thing about it. Most of the guys I was with wanted to see it too, and really the only thing that made me hesitant to see it was Wanninger's comment that it had some of the most awkward sex scenes he'd seen in a while, and he was 100% accurate with that one. The movie ticket, once ripped in half, just said VIOLENCE in real big letters across the top, and that pretty much summed up the movie. The acting was very good, and there were portions of the film that I liked. There were even times that I enjoyed the movie. And then something would happen that would take me out of the movie and make me feel like a terrible person for sitting through it. The violence was very realistic, and I really didn't have a problem with it, but there were times that they would show a picture of, say, Viggo Mortenson covered in someone else's blood, and everyone around me was laughing because it was just so awkward.
Of the 8 guys who watched it, 3 said they liked it or thought it was decent. The rest of us were not fans at all. I'm so glad we went to this movie with just guys, cause mixed company (especially several couples who would've been there) would have been even more awkward than it already was. My reaction to the film has softened somewhat since last night, and while I still don't like it, there are parts of it that I can somewhat appreciate for their cinematic value.
I'm gonna stop myself there before I go on for too long about that movie.
I really wish I had something interesting or exciting to talk about on here, but I've really got nothing that I can think of. Remember when I used to post about random things that I'd find on and stuff? Those were the days. I was just looking at the archives a bit, and there were some really random topics early on. I'm very glad people told me about blogging though, otherwise I might have gone insane last year. Seriously.
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