Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Out of frustration came inspiration

So I was checking blogs and getting frustrated at Parker for not posting since Sunday, and then I realized I haven't since Sunday either. So I'm remedying that situation right now.

I did something at work today that I rarely do: work! The manager had a job he wanted done, so he e-mailed me and I got it done as far as I can tell. I think I did a decent job with it too, so I actually feel content with my work today. That's a new one.

I haven't had time yet to go to Target or Best Buy and get the Family Guy movie. If anyone's seen it yet, let me know if it's worth the trip.

The forecast for Nashville the next few days is glorious: Mostly sunny and highs of 69, 74, and 79 each of the next three days, respectively. I can actually wear jeans and a sweatshirt tomorrow night and not be sweating profusely. I'm sitting on our porch right now and I can feel the cold front coming through. Sooo nice.

So I'm still trying to figure out what to do for Katrina relief. The trips through school only cost $60 at the most, so I can definitely afford them. BUT, there's a church downtown that is taking people down every weekend for a while, and they're doing it for free. So, in theory, I could go down with them like next weekend and have Fall Break to chill or do something fun. Or, I could go down a second weekend too. So many choices, and time is quickly running out. I need to decide, and soon.

I haven't done any homework at all this week. Not a bit. I find out how I did on my speech tomorrow, though, so I will get a grade at least, and I guess the lowest anyone got on the first day was a 78, so I know I didn't completely bomb.

I'm taking the boat
keep the beast at bay
leave my olives
they don't understand
greeting me in the face
grudge them not
i'll try to calm
those evil rabbits
fudge of lust
run and hide
eat the matador
and gyration.

I have no idea what that even means, and I'm not gonna go back and edit it. I just felt like typing randomly, and now that urge is over.

It's kind of odd to think that a year from now I'll be worrying about what I'm gonna do after school. I guess I could do a preemptive strike against anxiety and figure that out now. Whatever, I'm too indecisive to decide now. Plus, that would tarnish my record of procrastination.

Guys night on Saturday, I need to find a good guy movie to go to. Something decent enough, but where lots of stuff blows up. Looks like Transporter 2 may be in the lead right now, except I think some guys have already seen it, so I need to come up with a Plan B.

I love MySpace music sites.


Anonymous said...

Mark, I want to help with the Katrina stuff as well, but I can't go on the fall break trip. If you go help at that church one weekend, I will go with you!! Let me know what you decide.

P "N" K said...

Hopefully I'll post tonight. It's been the class week from hell.

jimaal said...

dude i heard what came out wasn't the family guy movie, i heard it was just stewies feature or something. the family guy movie is coming out in november? i don't know

jimaal said...

comment backkkkkk

markymark said...

haha, sorry kali

as far as i know, the movie is all about stewie's journey to find his real father or something like that. I haven't heard anything about another movie in November, but season 4 is released on DVD then, so that might be what you heard.
