Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you're a racist, I'm gonna attack you with the North."

So much going on... and by that, I mean trying to get everything figured out before leaving on Friday morning.

Today was my final day of work, which is a mixed blessing. I'm glad to finally be done with it and moving on to another year, but it's been a great summer job and I've actually enjoyed it. Plus, there's no way I could make that much doign pretty much anything else while sitll in school. Who knows if that'll bring me back to B-town next summer (right now I'm leaning toward no, as I would like to start a bit more independant lifestyle that would have me gone from home for junior year, the summer, and my senior year next year.)

My boss (aka my dad) took me and his other employee, my friend chuck, golfing yesterday. It was a gorgeous day, mostly sunny and not too hot or cold. I shot an 87, which is a personal best for 18, including a 42 on the back-9, a personal best for 9 holes. That 42 started out with a triple bogey, so I was pretty pleased with my play overall. I hope to play a bit this fall in Nashville if I can.

I also purchased the first season of the American version of "The Office." Basically, this is the funniest show on television right now, and the first six episodes are absolutely hilarious. HILARIOUS! You should totally watch this show whenever you can.


P "N" K said...

Nice job on the golfing mark :-)

Have an excellent year in CMT Land. Or whatever.

(ps where did you golf?)

markymark said...

maddens west

jimaal said...


markymark said...

it will be on on tuesdays at 8:30 (the re-run they're showing this tuesday is probably my least favorite from the first six, so if you watch it then for the first time, be patient.)

hannah said...

did you ever watch the british version otherwise that ranking of the best show on television is completely irrelevant.

your best elitist friend,

markymark said...

notice that i said "this is the funniest show on television right now", so it doesn't matter whether i've seen the british version yet, as it is no longer on. but, the answer is no, i have not seen it, though i would like to.