So I got back to MN Wednesday morning. Since then, it's kind of a blur.
Before I get into all of that and bore everyone with way too much information on my break thus far, I need to tell everyone from Brainerd that I'm having a get-together tomorrow night at 7. I'll try calling a bunch of you, but if you see this, spread the word. Again, 7 PM, my house. You know how to get here.
Anyway, we went to the Mall of America, where I didn't buy anything, but my mom bought Il Divo's Christmas album, and I'm a huge of fan of that at this moment. We went back to the airport after that and picked up my sister's friend Jess, in from Colorado for the weekend. Got back to Brainerd around 4, and I chilled until 6, when we headed to church for a Thanksgiving Eve service, and that was great. After, I went to a friends house with my sisters and played Trivial Pursuit the 90's, which the guys whooped on by the way.
Thursday started fairly normally. We left for my grandparent's house around 10:30, and arrived about 1. It was me and my oldest and youngest sisters, Jess, a few cousins in their early teens, and 6 cousins 6 and under, including a recent adoptee, Jaden, from Guatemala. He is adorable. I basically spent the next 4 hours eating and throwing little cousins around. Good times. Once back at home, I got all of my sources for my speech and headed to bed...
...Only to wake up 5 hours later to be at Best Buy when it opened. I don't shop for others on Black Friday, only myself, which means movies. At Best Buy, I picked up Meet the Fockers, The Pianist, Apollo 13, and Catch Me if You Can. We got into the store just before 5 and were out at 5:08. Total spent: $21.26. Next was Wal-Mart, where I found Murder by Numbers and The Client. Total: $7.33. Wal-Mart took about 15 minutes, so it was 5:30 and we had nothing to do until Target opened at 6. My sister decided to get a down throw from Herbergers, so we made a pit stop there and then headed to Target. Here I planned to just get The Interpretor, but found, to my surprise, Crash for 8.88. I have yet to see this film, but hear its amazing, so I took a chance. Total at Target: 18.91. So my total for the day was 8 movies for $47.50, or just under $6 each. Another successful morning. And it was only 6:30.
I slept for a few more hours after shopping, then had a haircut and worked with my dad for a few hours, followed by an amazingly huge feast at Famous Dave's. When I get back to Nashville, I'm organizing a group to go to the one in Cool Springs, because its such good food and you get so dang much of it. It's fantastic.
Now I'm chilling out at my house, typing up this and trying to decide what to do tonight. Again, everyone from Brainerd who's made it this far, I'm having a party tomorrow night at 7, so come. Seriously. It'll be great.
To those of you in/from Nashvegas, I'll see ya'll Monday night. Actually, I have a speech Tuesday morning, so probably not until Tuesday evening or something like that. Anyway, we've only got 2 and a half weeks left this semester... I'm not sure what to make of that.