If only I had worked in a steel mill to pay my way through college
Oh yeah, I was totally right in thinking that Bush would go for a moderate Hispanic woman. Yep, I have my finger on the pulse of the political world, absolutely.
But really, does Bush think this guy is really going to be confirmed? I mean, he'll probably be on the court for at least 25 years at his age, he's about as conservative as they come, and he's not even a minority or a woman. Now I know that Mr. LaShomb taught us that a president will send in someone he knows won't get confirmed before sending in a slightly less radical nominee that he really wants on the court, but all the fanfare makes it look like this is Bush's guy. A little confusing.
I'm glad he worked in a steel mill though. Everyone should work in a steel mill at least once in their life. Builds character.
Man, if it's not a moderate hispanic woman, it's the closest thing to it.
Or something.
Get ready for quite possibly several attempted murders on the Senate floor and C-SPAN temporarily switching over to pay-per-view.
you build character mark. YOU.
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