Saturday, July 23, 2005

Four day weekends should be mandatory

If only we lived in France...

So my parents went to our cabin for the weekend, leaving me without work. Thus, I spent the weekend doing two things:

1. Watching Season 2 of Gilmore Girls
2. Watching movies

As far as the former goes, I've slowly become a fan of this show. Sure, the dialogue and relationships are completely unrealistic (no mother is that close to her daughter, and no community has that much collective wit), but it's thoroughly entertaining, and the fact that the wit and sarcasm is unrealistic doesn't make it any less funny.

Now, the movies that I've watched since Thursday (all for the first time):
A. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Very good, but not as good as the original. Depp had his moments, and I thought the kids were great, but it was just different. I guess it's not fair to compare this one to the first movie, since they weren't really trying to redo that movie but moreso a re-visioning of the book.
B. The Great Escape: A classic. Period. Great acting, great story. It makes me want to see more movies with Steve McQueen in them. I hope to own this movie someday.
C. Dirty Harry: Pretty good overall. The tracking on this one kind of sucked, since it was on VHS. But Clint Eastwood did a good job, and the guy who played the psycho killer convinced me he was crazy, which is always a plus.
D. Snatch: Yes Aana, I realize that you told me not to waste my time with this one, but it wasn;t as bad as you made it out to be. A very odd story, with decent enough acting.
E. The Usual Suspects: I don't know if I can be object about this movie, since I already knew who Kaiser Soze was going in. I still didn't quite see how it was going to come together in the end, but yeah, it was still a good movie. A little too much swearing for me, but I became desensitized to it after awhile.

So yes, this is all I've done this weekend. Seriously, how lame am I? I want to do SOMETHING tomorrow, so if people are doing stuff, they better call me, or else I'm gonna be piassed. And I do believe that I heard a rumor that it's under thirty days until I'm back in Nashville, so good times ahead and behind.

Wow, I can't believe that I just said that.


hannah said...

i liked charlie and the chocolate factory.

even if i did fall asleep for part of it....

artkill said...

i embarrassed to admit i own both season 2 and 3