Thursday, July 14, 2005

Because Ashley tagged me

1. Total number of books I own: not counting school books: 82. nout counting juvenile fiction series I read a decade ago, 44.
2. The last book I bought: "White" by Ted Dekker. Part of a trilogy, dang good.
3. The last book I read: "The Are of Being" compiled by Constance Rhodes.
4. Books that mean a lot to me: The Bible and the Chronicles of Narnia (I could never decide on just one)
5. "Tag" 5 People who HAVE to put this on their blog: parker, ben stein, tracy, shane/aana (whichever sees this first), and carmen, because a blog needs to be updated more often than once every 5 months.


P "N" K said...

K i'm game. But don't expect me to count the number of books I own.

P "N" K said...

and what juvinile fiction series? I have series' ranging from Hardy Boys to Boxcar Children to Goosebumps to Animorphs to Everworld. It's amazing.