1. New Coldplay album came out yesterday, and it's basically amazing. I've listened through it approx 3 times so far, and it's quickly growing on me. Favorite songs so far are "Fix You" "Talk" "Swallowed in the Sea" and the untitled last track.
2. Done with work for the week! I worked 8 hours Monday and 10 hours each yesterday and today, and I'm beat. But I'll take a four day weekend any time.
3. I'm debating whether or not to buy the new MxPx CD. I absolutely loved their last one, but I have a feeling this one is different. I'll have to see if they've got it streaming on their website so I can get a taste. I also need to do this with Common, because he's been getting a lot of great reviews, and I could use some good hip-hop about now.
4. With my 4 day weekend, I really want to go golfing, since I haven't been in close to 2 years, and I love doing it when I have the chance. If anyone wants to go with me, let me know, especially if you work at a resort and want to be nice (I would use one of those stupid punctuation faces here, but that would be hypocritical, since I've taken a hardline stance opposing their use outside of instant messengers).
5. Mission Impossible III is finally greenlighted for production! For those who don't know, I am a huge fan of the TV show and the first movie is one of my top 5 favorites, but the second one sucked hard, mainly because I think it became too much like a Bond movie instead of a MI movie. Here's to hoping that J. J. Abrams can revive this franchise and try to keep the missions as team-oriented as possible. Seriously, if they actually stopped to think about it, they could keep this series going for forever if they just kept it with teams. Any time someone doesn't want to come back in the next film, have their character killed off and replaced. It's that simple. That way, MI can remain as realistic as possible, and continue to evolve after Tom Cruise becomes too old for it. Or until he decides that he's too in love with Katie Holmes to do movies any more. Whichever comes first.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Smith this weekend with Hannah and whoever else wants to come. And we're totally gonna see it in Jenkins. That's just the way it has to be.
7. They're officially in pre-production on a Simpson's movie.
8. I've done 3 1000 piece puzzles in the last week. That's how bored I've been. I wish people would want to do stuff (besides Ashley, who always wants to do stuff but never has any ideas and doesn't like ideas that cost money)
9. The family computer is finally fixed, which means that I have access to MSN messenger, which I'll use along with AIM.
10. Here is a group picture from my last night in Nashville, so you all can see most of my freinds (except my roommate, who I don't have any pictures of, and sometimes wonder if I just created like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind or something (and yes, it will frick up the margins, but I can live with that))