Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Random things that I don't Understand

1. Killing/Injuring Senior Citizens: Every once in a while, I hear stories about people who killed their grandparents or burglars who stab 87 year-old women named Iris. I think there is a heirarchy of acceptablility in killing (from most acceptable to least)

1. Men aged 21-55
2. Men aged 55-70
3. Women aged 30-55
4. Men aged 70+
5. Women aged 21-30
6. Men 16-21
7. Women 70+
8. All women youner than 21 and men younger than 16

And the second thing...
2. Why is it that news programs have this fascination with stories of abused animals. Do they really have nothing more important to report than a guy who got arrested for having 8 malnourished dogs? I mean, sure, you can report it in the middle of the newscast, but does it have to be your top story? What does that about our values when they report a reclusive old woman with 75 disease-ridden cats over the death of two people in a car accident? I could care less about the affairs of Health and Human Services and Animal Control. Tell me what really matters, what could impact my life in a tangible way. Don't give me some 20-something intern reporting live from the reposessed animal farm.

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