Sunday, May 06, 2007


I'm down in Dallas for the SIFE National Competition right now. Today was a pretty low-key day, leading up to the "Rally of Champions Opening Ceremonies"; think the Olympics except the opposite of any coolness that image may conjure. It included a stirring rendition of "God Bless the USA", if that's any indication for you.

Anyway, at the end of the ceremony they announced the winners of the PSA competition. All the teams went up on stage and they announced:

3rd place: Rock Valley
2nd place: Roberts Wesleyan

I couldn't believe, and still don't really. My goal from the beginning was to make a commercial that was of great quality and had a clear message, and anything on top of that was bonus. And what a bonus this is! Such an awesome day. I'll try and post links to the press we get once they start coming in.

AND, when I called my sister Katie to tell her about it, she told me she's coming into Nashville on Friday for my graduation! Now everyone in the 'Ville gets to meet the missing piece of the Ahlberg puzzle. Let's hope they're ready...


ben said...

if i rocked as hard as you i wouldn't be able to sleep at night

Anonymous said...

Amen to Ben's comment. That's awesome I am so happy for you!