I'm really scatterbrained tonight (not a good sign)
Things I should be doing:
1. Studying for my marketing test tomorrow
2. Studying for my Jesus in the Gospel and Film mid-term tomorrow
3. Working on any number of things
What I've actually done since getting to work at 6:
1. Went to a music business seminar
2. Listened to the new Dave Barnes album at least 3 times
3. Studied a little for marketing
4. Read about 4 pages for JIGAF
5. Facebook
You know how I was gonna go to the Dave Barnes/Andy Davis show last Saturday? Yeah, it was sold out. Super lame. And even more lame is I had to wait in line for an hour anyway because I had to get a box of the new CD for Reverb, which involved an awkward plea on my part with the bouncer to try and get him to just let me talk to Dave's manager. Fun.
Sometimes I sit and think about how ridiculous it is that I'm in Nashville. I love it here, things have gone so much better than I could possibly have imagined going in to it. Sure, fall semester of freshman year blew really hard, but since then it has been amazing. I was randomly put in a dorm room with a great guy and great friend, who had a brother with friends who had siblings that were cool too. The aforementioned roommate's brother hooked me and said roommate up with an amazing church, where I met some of the best friends I could ask for. Every time some major decision seems to come up, I've always gone in one direction, and never really thought about what would happen if it didn't work out. Going to Belmont, working at Reverb, interning at Gotee. These weren't just my first choices, they were really the only options I considered. And each one has been great. I don't know if that's just me having amazingly stupid luck or God guiding me and giving me peace about the direction my life is taking (it's probably a bit of both), but I love the way it's working out!
Sarah comes down on Friday, which was finalized a few hours ago after her friend backed out on driving down, so she's now flying in around 3:30 and leaving Monday evening. We're going to the Wild Horse Friday night, which I am excited about cuz it will be a blast, no matter what any of the guys say.
My pick for the Super Bowl? Steelers 27-24. I hope it's a good game anyway.
I'm probably gonna do an Oscar prediction game again, much like last year's. Look for that in the near future.
Gotee was interesting today, as I think one of my supervisors was fired earlier this week or something. Oh, if only I were a senior instead of a junior, I'd have a shot at it. But, I would imagine that I will be given a bit more responsibility for the time being to help with his lost work load. I definitely like being at Gotee, I'm really glad that they chose me for this semester. I just have to decide if I want to try and keep interning there for the next year in hopes of getting a job upon graduation or if I switch to another company to gain a more diverse experience. Things I should think about sometime, but not now.
Because I have a midterm tomorrow evening.
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