Monday, February 27, 2006

The Oscar contest is up!

Hey everybody, just wanted to let you all know that my Oscar contest is up and running! Click on the link below or on the sidebar to go to the page, and just post a comment with all of your picks for the winners in each category. It costs nothing to enter, thus you win nothing but satisfaction.


Beyond that, this week is going to go insanely fast, I can already feel it, especailly since I leave on Friday morning to spend a week in Florida! It's gonna rock, I'm so pumped for it, you have no idea. Stinkin amazing!

Does anyone else think the Olympics weren't the greatest this year? Pretty weak overall, I think. I mean, I wouldn't have minded not having new episodes of The Office for these past two weeks if the events that had replaced it were at least interesting or exciting. But nope, that wasn't really the case. I think the most fun I had with the Olympics was watching a curling match between the US women and Great Britain. We lost, but roommate Kurt couldn't take his eyes off the TV, mainly due to Cassie Johnson, the skip for team USA. I think it was really beacuse of Rhona Martin, but thats another matter.


Anonymous said...

did you know that the girls of the US curling team are from Bemiji? and so were the guys. Little homestate pride right there.

P "N" K said...

Yeah the captain guy owns the Dave's Pizza that sits in Reed's.

But as far as the olympics, it's just not as fun now - at least now when everything has to be tape delay because of the time difference. I knew all the American medal winners by the time I finished lunch. Salt Lake was different, b/c that was all here. Nagano was different b/c 1998 was like dial-up central and I didn't go to ESPN for live-tracking medal counts.

1996 was Atlanta -- good. 2000 Sydney...a bit like this year's. 2004 Athens yeah same deal. I like live things I guess.