Exams, Animals, and Tuition
One test down, one to go. I think my marketing test went ok. I guess I'll find out on Tuesday. I'm gonna chill a bit now in between classes, then finance, then I NEED to sit down and study for a few hours before this essay test tonight or it's gonna kick my butt. Hard.
So my 8 AM class, third-year writing, is taught by a very friendly, nice woman who is slightly absent-minded, most notably, as to when class ends. Tues-Thurs classes go for an hour and 15 minutes, always have. Yet she forgets that it's that way and, out of the 5 times I've been to the class, has been prepared to let us go after 50 minutes, the usual time schedule for M/W/F classes, even go so far as to apologize for keeping us late when letting us out at 8:54. Well, the second time she did this, one girl in the class pointed out to her that we still had another 25 mintues. I would have been with this if she had had something she wanted to discuss during that time, but no, she sat there and listened as everyone else struggled to find another 25 minutes worth of class discussion on the book we're reading. Lame.
Then, today, she was gonna let us go early yet again, and again, that girl spoke up. And you know what she did this time? Nothing, just like before. So, rather than getting out of class 25 minutes early, the rest of us had to suffer through a lengthy discussion on pets and interesting situations people in the class have been in with animals, which has a sum total of nothing to do with the book we're reading, a fiction book by Norman Menea that criticizes the socialist Romanian government of the 1980s. I seriously thought someone in the class was going to cut that girl. I know I was tempted to.
And that gets me thinking about whether I'm paying for the education or the degree. And honestly, its the degree. If given the option of getting out of class early or finishing on time, I would take early every time. Some people talk about how they've paid for the full length of class and don't want to get jipped on their purchase. I see it as I'm paying for the credits rather than the knowledge. Is that wrong?
Now I have a half hour before finance starts, and I seriously have no idea what I want to do with this time. I think it might be a Sudoku moment. In fact, maybe I'll challenge anyone who reads this to go to www.websudoku.com and do medium puzzle #2206, and we'll see who get's the best time. Wow, I lead an exciting existence.
5 min, 20 seconds. not bad, not good
the american university experience, and education experience in general, is about being able to say that one has completed school which doesn't necessarily say anything about the actual learning done in the school.
finance or fiance?
marks getting married!!!
im dumb
You're at school to learn about music business, not lame 3rd-year writing. I could see maybe not wanting to get out early from like, record company ops every day, but 3rd year writing? Come on now. You race out that door.
I was having similar educational thoughts today and I have this theory. The Belmont way of doing college is not the normal way of doing college. Here, it isn't about the education, but about the opportunities the education presents in the form of a degree, and internships. Now if you excuse me I have a plane to catch to go work the grammys....
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