Wednesday, June 20, 2007

An installer's work is never finished

I'm a little behind in all of this... OK, a lot behind, but this past week has basically been work, work, and more work. It's Wednesday, and I've already worked 35 hours this week! No signs of letting up until Saturday or Sunday either, and next week may be my last week up here... no way of knowing at this point. I had an interview Monday with Big Loud Bucks that went really well, and one of the people working in the office was a student of Gonas' and a member of Belmont SIFE, so I'm looking pretty good at this point. The position wouldn't hire until August most likely, in which case I may stay up here for an extra week or two and make a bit more cash before heading back to Nashvegas and getting back in the groove of things.

All of that is for another time though, as I have finished entries through Saturday, and hopefully I'll be able to post the rest of them by Friday. That's the new goal: caught up by Friday. We'll see if that happens.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I never knew how much I missed doing nothing until I did it.

Today was just really great all around. Well, almost all around. I woke up at 8 (that was the lame part) and read more of Order of the Phoenix until 10. It was at this time I decided I should maybe make something of my day… so I watched some Family Guy and then prepared to lay on the dock and read more OotP. The rest of my day included spending an hour and a half at Caribou, buying a great swimsuit at Steve and Barry’s for $5, searching for a Father’s Day present, and teaching my mom and Rachel to play Hand and Foot, which I won quite handily. A great way to spend a day off, but it’s back to the grind tomorrow…

Friday, June 15, 2007

Today was probably the closest to a stereotypical day in my summer life as there is.

Our job was just outside Alexandria, so we drove for an hour and a half to get there. I was stuck driving the tomb on wheels, which happened to be chock full of pad at the time, so at least it didn’t echo or anything. It was quite a large job, around 330 yards of carpet. (Carpet is always measured in yards for some reason, square yards to be more specific. For those who don’t think that abstractly, if I ever mention the yardage of carpet again, just multiply it by nine and that’s the square footage. In this case, that’s 2970 sq feet.) The large majority of this job was also on wood rather than cement. (Wood is always preferred for carpet installers, at least from my experience: the tack goes in easier and stays in better, blades stay sharper longer when cutting in pad than on cement, and securing the pad is easier with staples on wood than glue on cement.) Now that you’ve had your carpet installation lesson for the day, I think all I need to say is the job went very smoothly, and we were able to finish right on time.

The drive back was decent, and was faster with the help of the movie game. Once home, clean, and fed, I taught my dad how to play hand and foot, making that three converts in two nights. I won the game again, but my mom is getting better, and my dad always picks up card games quickly, so I’m sure I’ll be fighting for my life before too long.

Dad has given me the option of working for a few hours tomorrow with him or not, and I’m not sure which way I’m leaning at this point. I don’t necessarily need the work, but I wouldn’t refuse the money either. Who knows, who knows.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


After about a week of reading, including most of today, I have finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This at least has me caught up so I don’t feel guilty about seeing the movie, and I’m sure I will have no problem finishing Half-Blood Prince before Deathly Hallows is released in about a month. Plenty of time, no sweat.

It had been interesting to see how I’ve reacted to this series. I’ve always thought the movies were entertaining at least, and everyone would talk about how great and amazing the books were, but I don’t think I ever really believed anyone. Now, having just spent the last week wanting to reach through the page and strangle Professor Umbridge, I have begun to understand. These books are extremely well-written, particularly the further into the series you get, and the stories are completely engrossing, charming, exciting, and worthwhile. I would absolutely recommend these books to most anyone.

In other news, I was able to squeeze in a five person hand and foot game this afternoon, which included my greatest single hand ever (over 6400 points) and my first loss since returning home. That’ll teach me to expose my family to the joys of great card games!

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