Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Party = Wednesday, December 28, 7 PM

Before I forget, I'm having the Christmas Party on Wednesday the 28th this year (I guess it's a post-Christmas party, but that's the best night for my schedule). My house, 7 pm, be there. Everyone.

All right, finals have been over for a few days, but I've been in transit, so here's my turn to say they all went fine, and my final grades so far are all A's except for a B+ in speech (which should really be an A-, but I'm not gonna argue with her on that, cause I never have to see her again, and this makes me happy). So I was done with tests on Tuesday and finished up a few essays on Wednesday. I then helped Tracy move to her new apartment and headed out. Started at 2, drove til 9, and stopped in Bloomington, IL. Started again today at 9 and got home at 5:30. So thats 15 and a half hours, which would have been less if it wasn't for the snow. The roads weren't too bad until I got to MN, and even then not terrible. I survived.

I got quite possibly my favorite e-mail ever on Tuesday. It went something like this:

Hey Mark,

Congratulations! You’ve been selected as an intern for Jan 2006. After further review of your resume and qualifications we decided that you would be best suited as an intern with the A&R department. Have a great Christmas and we’ll see you next semester.

edlyn forero

marketing coordinator

gotee records

Basically amazing. I'm really excited for this, it should give me great experience. Now I just have to figure out what to do this summer...

I like being at home right now, and one big reason for this is the snow. We have tons of it! A lot better than the last few years. And it'll stay until Christmas, so we'll probably have at least a foot of snow. I love it.

Home until the first, then back to the 'Ville. I'll have to make the most of it.


Anonymous said...

Basically Gotee doesnt know what just hit it. My TT partner Kim also got an intership there. Between the three of us we are basically gonna rock that place. Next semester is going to be amazing. I am super de duper excited! I start the 11th! I am really excited!

Anonymous said...

ps. its me Danielle