Thursday, November 13, 2008

My life for the last 6 days...

...has involved turning this:
100_0818 by you.

and this:
100_0819 by you.

Into this:
100_0820 by you.

and this:
100_0821 by you.

Now I just need to grout it and the biggest project remaining on the house will be done!

Coming soon: pictures of the finished family room that I've been promising for a month...


Anonymous said...

Very impressive.

Jen Clapp said...

I'm impressed. By the 23rd, my house will be DONE! Well, except for new ceiling fans...but...finally the wallpaper in that upstairs bathroom will be down and I'll feel like I'm not living in transition (which is awesome, since I've lived there...what?...two years now...)