Monday, March 31, 2008

It'll be just like starting over

Thank you, John Lennon, for such an appropriate title.

Well, the house that I thought was going to be my first home is no longer in the running, as the homeowner has decided to file bankruptcy and take the house off the market. Additionally, the even better house I found last weekend that I put an offer already had an offer on it, and is closing on Friday, so things are not looking good on that front.

All that to say, I've got a bit of work ahead of me.

I'll be looking at places tomorrow and for the rest of the week if needed; my goal is to have an offer on an available and realistic house by the end of the week, and I think I can achieve that goal. We'll see. It's in God's hands, and I'm fine with that.

This week is going to be moderately intense. Not only do I need to find a house, I also have several work events to attend, along with preparing for a 21 mile run Sunday morning. There's just a lot that has to happen this week.

My newest addictions are: Cubis 2 on MSN Games and the Pieces of Flair application on Facebook. Check out both if you get the chance; definitely worth your time. Well, maybe not definitely, but sure beats doing nothing!


Haley said...

Um. You could have given me some kind of credit for introducing you to the Flair. It is, after all, because of me that it has taken over your life.

Haley said...

I know. That was absurd.