Saturday, August 11, 2007

Return of the Blogger

Wow, it's been close to a month. My bad.

I started my job on Monday, and this past week has gone pretty well. It's kind of a slow time for royalties because they're due on the 15th, and that means all the companies will start sending them then (just the way the music industry works). This has given me time to get familiar with the songs we work with, and I've started making some of the spreadsheets and databases that will eventually allow me to give our clients better data and more accurate projections for each quarter (kind of the whole reason they brought me on in the first place).

My schedule for work is your standard 9-5, which includes a flexible lunch. Some days will be a little longer than that, but I can live with that. The people I work with are great and have been extremely helpful in getting me used to all the processes and procedures of the office.

Which, speaking of, here are some pictures of my office and a video of the view from my desk chair.

The Big Loud Shirt/Bucks building

My office




And an extremely poor quality video:

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