Monday, February 07, 2005

That's just not fair

WARNING! If you haven't seen "Million Dollar Baby" and don't want to know the ending, don't read this post! For those of you that do, highlight the space below to read:

There is a growing controversy over Million Dollar Baby's ending, where Clint Eastwood euthanizes Hillary Swank's character after she is paralyzed from the neck down. Advocates of the physically disabled say that it perpetuates the stereotype that people with spinal cord injuries have nothing to live for. Proponents of the film have this to say:

"The Academy Awards are a huge platform for all kinds of people with all kinds of agendas, some worthy and some not so worthy," said Peter Rainer, contributing editor for New York magazine and past president of the National Society of Film Critics, which picked "Million Dollar Baby" as best film of 2004.
"It's an irresistible force for people to try to piggyback on to, to try to walk in that spotlight and get something out of it for themselves," added Rainer."

Oh, that's just cruel. "Walk in that spotlight"? Come on...

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